
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Misguided Brown Goose

I am SLOWLY making a sampler quilt as a wedding gift for my friends. Now, here is the problem.  I can not for the life of me get the two green triangles to match on point in the center.  No matter how many times I rip it apart and re-align the locking seams, it will NOT align correctly. 

So, here are the many questions floating through my head:
1) How important is this really?  In a 25-square sampler quilt, will they ever notice?  Or care?  Most likely no, but I will?

2) Do you have a suggestion to fix my green triangles?  You can see all of the neighboring seams match, the blue/white regions are just fine, but green has gone astray! 

Looking at this now in a stand along photo, I realize the block looks very busy with the patterned blue/red/green and the patterned white/blue fabric.  Really, it will look fine in the overall quilt.  Just trust me a little while longer and hopefully you will see the finished product ;)
Any suggestions you may have are welcome.

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