
Monday, May 2, 2011

One Step Closer to Solving Our Mystery

This past weekend I went camping with friends.  We had a fantastic time!  Camping is not really an activity that enables me to bring my sewing machine and fabrics, so I have little to show from the weekend.  However, today is a day off from work, so I buckled down and finished as many blocks as I could for my guild Mystery Quilt. There are 8 types of blocks, each repeated 4 times in the quilt with the exception of one that will appear 8 times.  I am nearly finished - have 7 of my block sets done and the 8th will be completed tonight.

Now the real mystery begins. How are they assembled?  I still don't know!  I was expecting an email from our course instructor to decode what goes in what row, but I have not received one. I have a photo of the quilt she made for our guild retreat so I may have to take her quilt apart mentally and try to work it out.  Anyway, the mystery continues.  Maybe by Wednesday's Work In Progress update you'll see a finished quilt top!

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