
Saturday, July 30, 2011

Completed Lattice Illusions Top...and Other Bits and Pieces

It is a rainy, dreary Saturday and I am having a hard time getting myself moving.  What to do?  Shop and watch DVDs, of course.  I will get to that in a bit.  The big news is that I finished my Lattice Illusions quit top.  I am thrilled!  I started this project in February and long ago deviated from the original design.  It has been re-designed 4-5 times now, making this a long road.  It is finished now and I am really pleased with it. 

The intention was to be a more masculine quilt for a special fella.  I think the colors work for that aim.  When finished this will be 6 ft square, so the perfect quilt for watching TV in a comfy chair.  This checks one of my summer goals off of my list!  Yippee!!


After finishing that top, I need a break from quilting.  In thinking about quilting the Community Quilt (page down a few posts), it was time for a small shopping trip.  Have you tried using bicycle clips to hold your quilts in a roll when quilting?  Well, I thought I would give it a try when the Community Quilt is ready.  If I fail quilting it myself, I have already approached our local longarm quilter and she's considering the project.  It will work out with time.

After shopping  I was happy to curl up on the couch and watch a Patchwork Schoolhouse DVD on precision piecing.  This is another one of my summer goals: to take a precision piecing class.  Sadly, I can not find a real class in Ireland so I bought this DVD.  Joanne Middleton is the instructor and she has several good tips, but these are generally things you would pick up in 2-3 quilting classes or with a year of experience.  I was looking for tips that were one layer deeper or more detailed.  It was a good refresher of what I should be doing, but would absolutely be a better video for someone just starting out.  If this is in your local library or guild library, pick it up!  I would not suggest you buy it unless its on sale.

That's the news: finished top, plan A for quilting the Community Quilt and a precision piecing class.  Tonight I have a date with Harry Potter.  Am I the last person on earth to see this movie?  It seems so.


  1. No you are not the last to see HP, I will have to wait for the DVD - kids too young to see it at the cinema, and hubby would not come; and I have only ever been to the cinema on my own once, just too sad!!

    Love the Lattice Illusion final incarnation, and bicycle clips - let us know if they work!

  2. Hey! It turned out really neat broken into 3 columns like that! Terrific border work for it, too.

  3. Enjoy HP... I too will have to wait for the dvd :-( Sucks!

  4. I'm new to your blog (and relatively new to quilting); I just want to say that the lattice quilt is stunning! I will be back for sure!

  5. Try SALLY COLLINS DVD from c&t publishing ( they have a series on quilting )

    SALLY COLLINS wrote several books on precision piecing and makes the miniature quilts that require your best techniques.

    Nonnie's Quilting Dreams- Podcast

    Nonnie's Quilting Dreams - Blog


    Here is a good forum to belong to... just have to register and contribute once in a while some encouragement and good advise.


  7. Great quilt! Thanks for linking up to {Sew} Modern Monday and have a great weekend!
