
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

WIPs Moving Along...

Most of my stitching this week has been on the Community Quilt.  I am really happy with how this is moving along.  I finished cutting my fabric and have started making blocks.  One block is made of six strips.  I have made all of the strips I need, so I am now stitching them together into sets of three, that are then put together in mirror image into a block. 

There is a way to go yet, but I am completely happy plugging along.  There are several ways to align these blocks, each generating its own unique pattern.  I have not decided what it will look like yet, but I am enjoying day dreaming of my options. 

Two more packages have arrived for the Japanese Fabric Swap!  I also gained a bit of courage and cut my own fabric (on the right in this photo).  Not to worry, swap partners, I did put a new blade on first!

As usual on a Wednesday, I am linking up with Freshly Pieced WIP Wednesday, and Someday Crafts Whatever Goes Wednesday


  1. All the swaps coming in must be getting exciting, dont know how you're managing not to play with them!

  2. Awww, super cute Japanese fabric alert! I really like the community block you showed off as well :)

  3. ooh, my blade sharpener arrived today so I'm cutting tonight :/
    Did I mention i've bought an extra half metre, just in case of whoops moments!

  4. Love the fabrics you are using for the swap! Visiting from WIP.
    ~ Kimberlee at The Spunky Diva 

  5. Looking good! My charms went in the post this afternoon xx

  6. Ahhhh, that community quilt is going to be beautiful! Looking forward to seeing how you decide to put it together!

  7. I love that block layout you have there, it works really well. Still haven't cut my charms yet - pesky children requiring time and attention! But now I have my mini done, I'll be hopping to it tomorrow evening!

  8. Neat block layout, can't wait to see more of it.

  9. Thank you for the postcard!! What a treat to receive something from Ireland in the mail. The quilt is looking great!
