
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Goodie Swap Sign Ups

The weather has started to change here in Galway. It is too sad to think of the summer (that I never really had) ending and fall beginning.  I was thinking a little swap in August and September may be just the thing to brighten this transition.  Need a little pick-me-up?  Sign up! 
A rockin' mug rug by Patchwork Delights

This is a goodie swap, so everyone will have a chance to be creative.  Each participant will make one mug rug (about 9x7 inches) and one goodie of their choice for their partners.  By goodie, I mean any item you would like to make on the scale of a pouch, pin cushion, needle book or brooch.  The choice is yours.  Try something new or choose your go-to project.

A little needle book...

 This will be a direct swap such that everyone signing up will be assigned two partners to which you will directly mail your creations.  You, in turn, will get goodie packages from two other participants.  You will not know who is creating for you, so it will be a surprise package that arrives.To forewarn you: this will be an international swap, so you may have to ship your goodies over seas.   

The timeline is listed below.  Please, please, please try your best to adhere so you do not let down your partners: 

16 to 26  August - sign ups
31 August - assigning swap partners
Brooch by Mary Emmens
1 to 21 September - stitching and more stitching
22 September - post your goodies to your partners

If they are helpful, are some of my favorite mug rug tutorials, but there are many, many more out there if you look:

If you are interested in participating, leave a comment below with your email address.  Once sign ups close, I will get in touch with you to get your mailing address, your three favorite colors and your fabric preferences (floral, geometric, solids, etc) to act as a guide (not as instructions) for your swap partners.  I will then assign you the two partners for whom you will create.

This will be fun! A great way to use up that stash; give you the chance to expand your horizons; and hopefully will brighten both your day and your partner's mail box.  What are you waiting for?  Sign up today!

PS: As usual on a Tuesday, I'm linking up with Quilt Story's Fabric Tuesday.


  1. Oh go on, put me down. What the heck. Not like I am doing anything else. :-)

  2. Oh I told myself I wouldnt sign up to anything else for a while... but this is just a wee swap... yeah, I'm in please :-)

  3. Well if those 3 are in, then count me in too! Sounds like fun fun fun!

  4. Am I the first in the states? Like Sarah I said no more signing up for a while! well you can see how successful I am at that! I am in!!!

  5. I'm in! it will be great!
    just to clarify, we are assigned two partners, so it's two mug rugs and to goodies? or one rug for one partner and the goodie for the other one?

  6. I'm in too Cindy! :) So excited!

  7. I have never been part of a swap before, and am very much a beginner quilter, so I hope it's ok if I sign up! :-)

  8. Cindy,
    sign me up. I'm going to have to get a big notebook to keep track of every swap I'm doing now

  9. This sounds like lots of fun - I'd love to take part!

  10. Oh Susan at Canadian Abroad has twisted my arm...go on then. I`m in!

  11. Oh my email is

  12. I would love to do this swap. I enjoyed your last swap! Sign me up, please!

  13. This sounds like a wonderful swap-- I'd love to join! I'm more of a beginner/adv. beginner, but this sounds like something I could do a decent job at. This will be my first swap!

  14. Oh I'd love to play, it sounds like lots of fun :o)

  15. I'd love to participate. It sounds like fun and quite doable. I'm now a follower.

  16. I've never done a swap before, but I'll dive in head first. Sign me up!

  17. Susan gave me a nudge - so here I am but first time at swapping so be gentle!

  18. Thank you - I'd love to take part in this swap! Ros

  19. I'm in Cindy. It's my first ever swap so I hope I'm up to scratch!

  20. Oh yes please... I would love to join in... Keera @ x

  21. Oh what the hell, I'll join :)
    You know where to find me, I suspect. LOL

  22. Oh hey, I featured the swap on the blog today too! SewHappyGeek

  23. OK, you talked me into it! Sounds like fun!

  24. I'll give it a go too! Sign me up! Jxo

  25. I think this sounds like fun! I would LOVE to participate!! Swaps are quickly becoming my favorite past time! :)

  26. I have never been in a swap like this, and I have to be creative?? Hmm, I'd like to give it a try!

  27. I've been in a swap before - I'd love to join!

  28. I'd like to join in too. I've never been in a swap either

  29. I've never been in a swap before, either, but this sounds fun! Please sign me up :)

  30. I've only just found your group and what better way to get to know some of you, put me down, I love swaps :)

  31. Had to give that a whole 2 minutes - yes please altho I have to admit to NEVER having made a mug rug yet.

  32. Hadley's (flying blind) enthusiasm has finally hooked me and reeled me in - can i play too please?

  33. You and Hadley and Susan and Judith are such a bad bad bad influence on me. I am so in!!!! Despite the fact that I promised no more swaps for a few months. But how could I resist the fun? All my fave bloggy pals in the one group? Plus the lovely goodies. Can't wait :-)))

  34. Hello there
    I'd love to be part of this swap!

  35. Sounds like a great little swap to be part of. Count me in!

  36. Alrjght, this will be my first official swap.. I'm so in!

  37. Yes please! I have never done a swap and also never done a mug rug, so you may need to pair me up with someone sympathetic ;-)

  38. This sounds like fun! I've never done a swap before. This sounds like a good one! Sign me up!

  39. I love making mug rugs! Please sign me up.....thanks....

  40. Sign me up, sign me up! (said in the manner of donky from Shrek). :-)

  41. How fun!!! I'd love to sign up, count me in!

  42. Saving a spot for our Cheeky Monkey

  43. I've never made a mug rug so what the heck! Count me in :D

    sosaysthehermit @ gmail DOT com

  44. Hi! I'd love to join up!
    If possible, could I have a) a partner in Canada or
    b) a partner in the USA?
    Thanks, Leslie

  45. I read about your swap at live, love, sew and would love to participate :)

    Tasmmi Xx

  46. Sounds like fun. Please add me to the list.

  47. I'd like to join in!!

  48. Me please! I have really missed swaps (and swap hang-outs) the last 6 weeks and this sounds like a nice one to play along with!

  49. I haven't done a swap in a long time. This sounds like a great one to do! Sign me up too, please. :)

  50. I too had decided not to do a lot of swaps, but thank you Sherri you enabler you. I would love to join in.

  51. Sounds like fun, please pop my name down.... beadnv at westnet dot com dot au Hugs Naomi

  52. I would love to join in -- I haven't participated in a swap like this before.

    I am in Calgary, Alberta Canada

  53. Sarah tipped me off about this. The time scale is a bit tight, and could lead to divorce, but hey lets have a go.
    It'll be my fist swap, and I'll probably be the only one in the Czech Republic!

  54. Ack I wasn't going to but I've changed my mind... am I too late to participate? :) :)

  55. It is still 26th, isn't it? Count me in please, can't wait to start

  56. i am i too late never done anything like this !!!! am still in portugal till fri 2nd sept.

  57. have not got too much stash either :(((

  58. I tried so hard to resist, but I can't! Please can I join in? If I'm not too late. Pretty please? x

  59. Please please please can I join in? This will be my first ever swap. I know I'm a day late, but only just found out about it and it sounds great. Pretty please?? My email address is

  60. I am also a day late, but have only just come across you- so if you have space for another one- please let me know!
    I am at

    and would like to try a swap like this- it could be fun!

  61. I know i am late, but if you are on odd numbers i could fill in...but cool if not...will pop back for the next one.
