
Monday, August 22, 2011

Lattice Illusions: Finished

If you are looking for the Goodie Swap Sign Up post, click here. Only 3 days left to jump in the fun!

Whew! Lattice Illusions is finally finished and I am so pleased!  Here it is all freshly washed, fluffy dried and out on the line.

This quilt began as a class at the Quilter's Guild of Ireland annual retreat in February.  I wanted to work on my precision quilting and this was a great opportunity with all of the little angles and points to match.  The pattern was for a small lap quilt, but really I tend to make larger quilts than 48" square quilts.  With 3-4 pattern re-writes there were several trips to the local quilt shop to buy more fabric as the pattern evolved.  Anyway, I finished it off with stitch in the ditch quilting (to not distract from the points I worked so hard to piece) and a scrappy binding that was hand stitched.

I have a small bit of fabric (300g or 10.5 oz) remaining and I would love to find a good home for it.  It's in great shape and would work well both in scrappy or art quilts as they are nice semi-solid neutrals.  I just need to stop looking at them.  Would anyone like a little bag of goodies?  Just leave a comment below and I will get back to you by Wednesday.

Quilt Stats:Name: Lattice Illusions
Made For:'s a gift....
Fabric: Makower UK - Spraytime Line

Batting: Warm & Natural
Size: 68" x 68" (72"x72" before washing)
Quilting: Stitch In The Ditch

Pattern: Modified version of Christine Porter's Lattice Illusion

As usual on Monday, I am linking up with Canoe Ridge Creation's Sew Modern Monday and Quiltstory's Fabric Tuesday.


  1. I really like the way your quilt came out and the illusion (duh!) of the lattice. I would take your scraps off your hands if you're looking to get them off your hands. I am in the US, however. Let me know. Thanks!

  2. fab quilt Cindy, lovely colours

  3. Hey recipient, I know who you are, and you are going to love it!!

    I won't ask for the scraps, that would just be being greedy, as I don't 'need' them!!

  4. I absolutely love it and normally wouldn't really go for those colours! Really stunning!

  5. I love your quilt...what a great design! It looks fab!!

  6. It's a lovely quilt. I think you've done a great job on practising precision piecing and the quilting sets it off! Well done!

  7. Your quilt is truly beautiful. The colors, the design, everything. Congratulations!

  8. Yay for a finish!! It sure does look precise, great job!

  9. Beautiful quilt the colors remind me of fall!

  10. Sorry, Cindy, I forgot to tell you how amazing I think this quilt is.

  11. beautiful quilt! :) Thanks for linking up to {Sew} Modern Monday and have a greet weekend!
