
Tuesday, October 4, 2011


I am so super lucky I do not even know what to do with myself.  I came home from class last night to not one, but TWO packages waiting for me!  Woo hoo!

Diane (of Random Thoughts do or "di") was a creative, enthusiastic, cheerful, supportive participant in our Goodie Swap.  She made beautiful gifts for her partner and was always online chatting with folks.  Back to the point....Diane send this super duper pouch (and an adorable card) as a thank you for being swap Mama.  Isn't the fabric great?  How thoughtful!  I  love it.  I will use it when I travel with my Birdie Stitches blocks.  Thank you, Diane!

And what else came in the post?  Well, I will open it with you :) 

Do you recognize it?  Oh, I would know that Tesco Corn Flakes box anywhere.   It's my second package from the Goodie Swap from the fabulous Hadley of Flying Blind on a Rocket Cycle and I am oozing happiness.  Oozing. 

So, I open the little cereal box and see this package.  My other half tried to cut the ribbon to open it and I nearly killed him!  Our relationship survived and got the ribbon off on one piece.  I promptly RIPPED at the paper.  You have to realize, Hadley never posted a full photo of what she was making on our flickr group to ensure I have a surprise like everyone else.  You're the best, H!

Hadley sent super fun little goodies like stickers, which I love especially as they're little owls from the mama owl herself.  There was DELISH chocolate, which is gone already, and a lovely card from Miss H.  It even has a quilt on it!  To top it off, there were two issues of Making!  Hadley knows I've been searching for a new magazine.  I've only been through the first one and I can guarantee you you'll see those little chickadee bags again!  And this lovely brooch.  I saw this on her blog and thought it was just spectacular.  And here it is!  Lucky girl, lucky girl.

But what you're dying to see is her super top secret spectacular mug rug!  I.Love.This.Mug.Rug.  Love.  Love the color, the patterns, the little pictures and the cheerfulness.  Can't forget the back!

How great is that?  And finally, there's the most adorable bag I've ever seen.  I love frogs - have for my whole life.  I have no idea how Haldey knew that, but I was just flabbergasted when I met my new best friend. 

It has great pockets both on the outside and inside.   There is a great little pink lining too!  I wish I could get a better photo, but its raining outside.   Hadley, this entire package is perfectly me.  Thank you.  Thank you so much for your kindness, thoughtfulness and diligence in stitching.  You have no idea how happy I am, but I sure hope I'm making you blush reading this!!!  xx


  1. Cindy, that is an AWESOME haul. I kept ooooooohing out loud.

  2. Have you won the jackpot Cindy - I think you have! Awesome Hadley is a Queen among swappers but I really think you deserve it all and the lovely pouch from Dianne!

  3. How lovely, isnt Hadley great! what a great collection of goodies. Really sweet of Di to send you a thank you gift.

  4. What lovely gifts, and I would snatch that bag in a second. So adorable!

  5. You deserve it all and way way more!!

    So happy and relieved that you are so happy honey-pie!

    This has been a brilliant swap and you have been a terrific mama xxx

  6. Di is completely adorable and I am very proud to say she is one of my best bloogy pals and I have been lucky to receive some of her handywork and it`s absolutely beautiful! Hadley is amazing - her work is always incredible and she puts so much thought into all she does. How she finds the time, I`ve no idea! I too would snatch that bag so keep it close...I could be just around the deserve it all and more. Clever Swap Mama!

  7. You are a lucky girl!!!!!!! That bag is just perfect!

  8. what a great stash of goodies and isn't that bag absolutely brill: just seen it on her post - such a clever idea!

  9. I've been grinning for you, admiring your lovely haul! What wonderful packages.
    I think I know what I'll be making with some of my Prince Charming fabric!

  10. What an amazing package! You are lucky! :)

  11. What a wonderful, wonderful package of goodies :-) But then its from Hadley, what else would we expect! She's super awesome at swap packages :-) Very glad to see you were the recipient, you've done a brilliant job swap mama! (Thank you x)

  12. You ran a wonderful swap and deserved everything Hadley sent, and Di too!

  13. Fabulous parcels, lucky, lucky girl! I have some echino fabric winging its way to me at the moment, may have to pin this for future reference, oh, and prince charming looks fab!

  14. I loved reading this. It's so fun to receive something from a friend.

  15. Amazing goodies! You well deserve it worked your but off for the swap and really created such a great experience for everyone :)

  16. Wow, you lucky thing, I love the fabric on the bag.

  17. Wow-- what wonderful goodies in the mail!! That was so sweet of Diane to make you a hostess thank-you gift-- its wonderful. And Hadley has been so elusive with her photos-- so exciting to see what she actually made!! Totally awesome!! Enjoy!!

  18. How lovely ! You might be in with a good chance of winning the book I'm giving away on my blog ... it's free motion sewing/applique - I think you might like it :O)

  19. I hope you don't mind, I have given your blog address in a discussion in a skill builder quilt along with Leila from Sewn, because of your FMQ workshopping! If this upsets you please let me know and I will remove it!

  20. Mammafairy, I'm thrilled! Pass the word to anyone who may be interested. I wish I could email you back, but your a no-reply blogger.... sorry :(

  21. What wonderful goodies!!! You hosted such a fabulous swap! As it was my first, I may be spoiled for life now - I will always compare them to the fun I had with this one! :-) Thank you for being the Swap Mama, now sit back and relax, enjoying your beautiful new things! :-D

  22. Oh, I'm so glad you got Hadley's goodies! Well deserved and totally gorgeous!

  23. You get such great post and you completely deserve all those lovely things! Well done for such a wonderful swap!

  24. Oh my! What a wonderful way to end a day!
