
Friday, January 6, 2012

My Cúchulainn

I am working on a super top secret project for the International Quilt Festival of Ireland.  I completely wish I could tell you all about it because I really need a bit of help!  Until I can, here's a little peek of what I am quilting: 

How far out of my depth am I?  Um.  90% uncomfortable and 10% confident if I had to really place bets.  Let me explain.  This quilt, called Cúchulainn, is part of an exhibit that includes 19 other quilts made by members of my local Patchwork Society Branch.  Together they will be displayed at the International Quilt Festival of Ireland in Galway this June.

The quilts will interact with one another, so they need to be completely uniform, aligned correctly, use the same fabrics, use the same quilting techniques, etc.  So, I feel that I really need to get this right.  There are a few problems, though.  I have no experience with many of the skills I need!  It uses batiks, which I have not used before.  It uses appliqué, which I have not done on a large scale as I am here.  It uses a satin stitch, which takes FOREVER and used 400m of thread today alone!

That being said, I am learning from my society co-members, am expanding my skills and hope to eventually use my FMQ skills!  This one might keep me busy for a little while :)


  1. I sure hope you will take lots of pictures for those of us that can't be there!!!!

  2. That picture gives great promise of something gorgeous to come ! Of course it will turn out fine - you have the motivation !

  3. I am sure it will turn out great! I am loving the sneak peak!

  4. The bit we can see looks amazing and I am sure you will ace it, but fully understand the nerves meanwhile. Can't wait to see photos of all the quilts together. Sounds like it is going to be a fabulous exhibit!

  5. Oh, I have a chance, slight as it is to tag along with a group tour for that show from the make me think to go ....especially seeing this sneak peek. :)

  6. looks good this far, what's a satin stitch, like a close zig zag?
    we need pics of all of them together :-)

  7. Oh my! You have taken on quite a challenge, haven't you? I wish you all the best with it.

  8. Cindy that's fantastic! I have every confidence in you :)

  9. Good luck!!! Just take your time and enjoy learning all the new skills! I'm so jealous! I wish I could go to a quilt show in Galway! Have fun!!

  10. Oh sweetie you actually made me feel nervous for you! Good luck :-)

  11. Good luck, sounds like quite a mamoth task!

  12. Of course you'll do fine. Learning something new everyday is what makes life worth living. Learning new quilty things is just icing on the cake.

  13. Ooh, they're the best quilts, the ones you have to jump in and learn on. You will be fab, and so will it, can't wait to see it :-)

  14. Looks like you are doing just fine! Is it fused applique? You'll find batiks play nicely :) and when you get to the fmq part, use the smallest, finest Microtex needle you can get, it will leave less of a hole in the batik which has a high thread count. Batiks will blunt your needles quicker than reagular fabrics, keep an ear out for that popping :) Look forward to more sneaking on this :)

  15. Oh great I will see it in Galway when I go.....Looking forward to this!

  16. What a great challenge! Keep persevering - it sounds like a wonderful project, I wish I could see it 'in situ' but I will just have to make do with the web!

  17. Sounds like the quilty version of my week!!

    It'll be fine, you can do it xxx

  18. Oh, I can't wait to see more of this - the sneak peek is amazing!

  19. Sure you will rise to the challenge Cindy! And learn lots on the way - go FMQ! You will let us see how they interact won't you??

  20. Good luck. I'm sure it will turn out lovely!

  21. I love the colors in the sneak peak. When it is done, be sure to tell us the things you learned that you were not expecting (to learn).

  22. Interesting! But why have 20 exact same quilts? Sounds like a job lot!

  23. I will be there! Can't wait to see it in person.

  24. way to go Cindy, bet it will be fantastic

  25. Best way to learn is to jump right in at the deep end! Good luck! Jxo
