
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Perle Cotton Extravaganza

Recently I have been a little obsessed with hand quilting.  Or really the idea of hand quilting.

I have not hand quilted anything before, but really like the look of hand quilting echoing a block.  I like the uneven, wide stitches.  They make me happy.

I need to just dive in and give it a go.  Susan has been kind enough to give me Hand Quilting 101 lessons via email, so I am feeling more confident.  Confident enough to have a little shopping spree.  I picked up this bunch of delicious colors as a package deal and couldn't be happier.  Isn't this a nice little punch of color for your sewing space?  I love it!

Now I just have to give it a go....


  1. Off you go then. Can't wait to see your first project.

  2. Those colours are so yummy! Have fun! Jxo

  3. Lovely colours - can't wait to see them in quilts:)

  4. They are so lovely! As soon as you are confident .. can you give me a lesson? I always wanted to sit together and do some crafting and chatting ... and than you can have a cup of coffe with your lovely new mug rug and an Austrian cake :) Doesn't that sound good?

  5. Ha ha, I have a similar obsession! Gorgeous threads, can't wait to see your first attempt :)

  6. That bundle should keep you going for some time! I am sure you will enjoy the hand quilting!

  7. Yum yum! Where did you get yours from Cindy!

    Just go to Mary @ Molly Flanders for inspiration - she is brilliant! You won't be able to stop when you get started and then you can forget all the FMQ! Hehe!

  8. A lovely colourful collection indeed. Can't wait to see what you get up to!

  9. Yummy! I'm planning on hand quilting for the first time this year too :)
    Can we have a step by step of how you get on??! I need tops to help me learn :)

  10. YOU CAN DO IT!! haha I just got some perle cottons in as well.. now, i need to find the motivate to get going! ugh. winter weather puts a damper on motivation

  11. Gorgeous thread! Have fun - I hope you enjoy hand quilting as much as I do ~Jeanne

  12. It will be fun!!!! Love the colors!

  13. 'Little' shopping spree did you say? ;o) Looking forward to seeing where it all ends up!

  14. Oh just stop right have done all the fun bits...why ruin it?

    Oh I crack myself up!

  15. Once you start you'll always want the look, it just adds so much and is so much more personal. Every quilt I make starts out with the vision of hand quilting but I only have time for the really special ones.

  16. i love all your colours. I much prefer hand quilting to fmq, its much more relaxing!

  17. Yep, on you go, if I can do it anyone can!! That is a VERY pretty bowl, I agree!!

  18. what great colors! I can't wait to see what you do with these :)

  19. Yep, keep them in a bowl, that's what I'd do!

  20. LOL Big wide uneven stitches... you've been looking at my handstitching havent you!
