
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Do you know a good tutorial?

I am going to blow my cover a bit early, here, but I could use your help.

I am Miss March in my Sew Bee Blissful bee.  For several (six!?!?) months I have known that I will ask my bee - mates for a Square in a Square "sampler" quilt.  I am open to both traditional square in a square blocks as well as log cabin - type them straight and aligned or wonky.  Either makes me happy.  It is going to be made in all solids.   

You see, I like the idea of each person putting their personality into the bee blocks instead of being my "stitchers" and making exactly what I tell them to.  I will send them fabric and links to tutorials (this is where I am stuck) and let them create the block(s) that best reflect their "likes".  To get them started, I made this inspirational mosaic:

Now here's where I am hoping you can help.  Do any of you know a good tutorial for a square in a square or for a log cabin?  I found the few I listed below, but I would love to have a greater variety.  Any suggestions guys?  I'd be entirely grateful!

Tilted Squares
Scrappy Squares
Square in a Square
Square in a Square
Six Types of Square in a Square


  1. Sounds great! this will be an other lovely quilt.

    are you looking for something like that?

    Enjoy Miss March

  2. Sorry! I am no help with these, but I will be interested in seeing what they make for you! Do they have a restricted colour palette or do you send them the fabrics? I have never been in a bee so I am curious to how they exactly work!

  3. Lovely mosaic C! I have a log cabin tute on my blog tutes page, but you may also find some great tutes in the Modify Tradition blog. Jxo

  4. I really think just putting the mosaic there should be enough for them to go on - have you seen the Brit Bee February 'block'!!?? Now that needs serious instructions!

  5. there's a wonky square in a square tutorial over at that girl that quilt - it was a quilt along but all the info is there - hope it helps :)

  6. My first quilt was the "Modern Sampler Quilt" from Elizabeth Hartmann at Oh Fransson! She also has a quilt called paintbox.both of these quilts involve square on square blocks and I'm sure she did tutorials. I'd check but I am really fighting with my internet connection at the moment (we bought a new moden yesterday and it's. so. s-l-o-w!

  7. Hi C - have you seen the card trick or antique tile blocks? There are tuts here for them:
    They may not be what you're looking for - but they're a wee bit different.... so that may appeal to you!!!!

  8. Love the square in a square block! I used Faith`s pattern over at Fresh Lemons.

    Looks like you have some great ideas already.

  9. Oooh, love all the ideas so far. I'll have a check when I get home if you remind me, I'm sure I have some pinned

  10. I was just going to suggest Judes tute (rags to bags)! It'll be a wonderful top, I'm loving it already

  11. Leila did a 'beginners tutorial' on Log cabin here,

    It is a very basic one, but contains most of the necessary info.

  12. QuiltDad did a whole series of tutorials in this vein:

    Wonky Log Cabin
    Wonky Bento Box
    Wonky Squares in Squares
    Wonky Quarter Log Cabin

    I used the last one for a bee I was in and got great results from my fellow bee members.

  13. One more that I used in a different bee (and have been told to use many times to get a block like the ones used in Denyse Schmidt's "Drunk Love" quilt):

    Wonky Log Cabin Block

  14. I don't have any new suggestions for tutorials, but I just had to say I love your idea! Will be great to see how this pans out...I'm Miss March in Brit Bee and I'm still playing with a few crazy plans :)

  15. I'm like Ceri - I have no new tutorials but love your idea!

  16. I think the mosaic is a great example of exactly what you're looking for. Wish I had a tutorial to offer, but thanks for sharing what you found, because I've got tilted squares on my to-do list and now I don't have to look for a tutorial! :)

  17. Love your mosaic! I've been having the same conversation about bees...I love that the quilts reflect everyone's creativity! I think the squares idea is fantastic!

  18. Don't have a tutorial, but wanted to comment on your cute new blog banner. Love it.
