
Monday, February 20, 2012

Happy Little Hexies

I am new to making hexagons, but I can already see how we will become fast friends.  I do not have a plan for these little guys.  I only started making them because it was high time that I learned how.

I have a little pouch of scraps, thread, needles and paper templates next to the couch, so when we are watching TV or I just have a quiet minute, I start stitching hexies.  It took a while to get the hang of the first two or three, but after 10 I was hooked.

These are little 1.5 inch hexies, so I can not imagine making enough for a quilt.  Maybe for a pouch or a notebook cover?  I don't know.  I am open to suggestions if you have an idea to share.  For now, I think I'll just keep adding to the collection....


  1. They are so colourful and cute! I agree with the something smaller plan... one day I will do something with mine!

  2. Very,very pretty! I like to have a plan for my EPP so maybe think about how they might look as flowers for a cushion?

  3. They are rather addicting aren't they? They would make a great cushion cover or even a cute random stripe across a baby quilt. You are right, they are so happy and colorful! xo

  4. These are lovely C even just as they are! A cushion cover would be lovely too! Jxo

  5. Definitely choose a smaller project. I have a friend who has been working on a hexie quilt for (brace yourself) almost 25 years. Best aim small and then hopefully for a completion.

  6. Oh, these are so bright and cheerful, anything you make with these would be lovely :)

  7. Your hexies look like a stack of lovely colour. I would go with the other comments and suggest a cushion cover. Di xo

  8. they are cute and very addictive! There is quite a lot you can do with them- my hubby doesn't like me hand stitching while watching tv cause I can't give him and the tv my full attention :(( they are such a mobile project too! x

  9. I'd still go for the quilt but mix it up - hexies of different sizes appliqued onto a background similar to Katie's gorgeous quilt

  10. They are lovely, so bright and cheerful. Use them in something you will see and use a lot they deserve to be seen!

  11. I love your hexies! I'm a bit freaked out by what Susan just said though.... I've been quietly making hundreds of hexies out of 5" charm squares. I'm a year in, and the thought of it not being finished for another 24 years is just scarey!

  12. Pretty stacks! Go small, your interest is sure to wain. Not that you are a flake... I just know what hexies are like!

  13. what a neat pile... do you have a pic of the back of them? I'm curious to see how you attached them and the cardboard etc.... I just finished a pentagon stuffed ball but I think I did the template and the sewing to the template all wrong or a hard way, the ball looks fine now...

  14. oh fun! hexies make for the best photographs! how about a pillow? they are small, but they can also be quite eye-catching!

  15. Love all the pretty colors. How about a little zipper bag...or a big zipper bag!

  16. They're lovely and bright, would make a fab cushion :-)

  17. So cute and definitely addictive! I agree a cushion would be lovely :)

  18. I have a love of hexi's. So much that I have over 1100 of them made and I have been working on the slow process of sewing them together. So far though only 156 have been stitched together. I need some more road trips so that I will make time to work on them.

  19. Gorgeous colours! They'd make a wonderful quilt - well worth waiting 25 years to quilt it!!

  20. is this a collection or an adiction ? xx

  21. As someone who is very slowly working on making hexies too, I say a small project is best. Mine will eventually become a sewing machine cover. I'm secretly hoping I get one in the For the Love of Solids Swap so my machine gets a pretty cover sooner than I will make one.

  22. Yup, definitely couldn't do a quilt from them o.O They make fab accents on all sorts of things though, I'm sure divine inspiration will hit :o)

  23. welcome to the hexy addiction ... don't worry, it's not impossible to make enough for a quilt ... as long as you tell yourself I will just make 1 more row .. one more border...
    The ylook very colourful!

  24. This makes me want to go find where I left my lil hexie making kit. That's a gorgeous stack of hexies.

  25. l.o.v.e little hexi's. Yours are so cute and colourful, I have the bug too!

  26. I am afraid, I just did a cushion cover, years ago. Not done hexies since. I did see a stunning dolls house quilt in the smallest hexies imagineable, though!finished hexies about 1/2" size. Eye boggling.

  27. Love the colours so bright and eye catching. I recently printed off some hexagon templates ready to be covered in fabric and sewn up =D

  28. There'll be enough for a quilt before you know it! My last count was 1283!

  29. Can you recommend a good tutorial for making them?

  30. I'm with Allison, would you consider walking us through how you make them? I haven't made them in years and they look like fun!

  31. I like the look of these hexagons!!!! I was just listening to Rhonda's postcast, congratulations, you came across very graciously!.
