
Friday, March 30, 2012

Beginner's Patchwork Sampler Quilt

As you know, I'm teaching a beginner's patchwork class at Pippablue on Wednesday nights.  Like any normal teacher, I'm barely just ahead of the class making my blocks barely in time to use them in the class as examples.  Well, I have finally finished all 9 of my sampler blocks.  Want to see what they look like on the design board?

We tried to do 3 for each lesson.  Three squares (square in a square, disappearing nine patch and a pogo stick block) to get the main concept of cutting, piecing, squaring.  Then there were three triangle blocks (pinwheels, sawtooth star, starflower) followed by three wonky or improv blocks (LOVE block, wonky star and wonky log cabin).   The point was to give the students the basic skills they need and introduce them to both traditional and modern piecing.  So far so good! 

Next we'll tackle the sashing, layering and backing.  I'm totally excited!  I have to test out a few different sashing color options before Wednesday :)      

What's next to this on the design board, you ask?  Well, blocks have started arriving from Sew Bee Blissful for my Electronica quilt.  They're looking great!  

Tonight I need to add a bit of dark brown and green to the one block on the bottom left, and a bit of pink to another Sew Bee Blissful block.  It's taking shape now, which is very exciting!  I love the individual personality in each block, but the unified colors seem to pull them all together.  Here's hoping at least!


  1. looking good... on both projects xx

  2. these are great. i love the colors

  3. You are being so productive - where do you find the time!?

    Sounds like your class are getting a great grounding - are you doing a follow up after this one!?

  4. Both sets look great! I can't wait to see more of your bee blocks!

  5. I want to be in your class because you do cool, fun blocks!

  6. Everything looks stunning, even the you-know-what!

  7. I do feel like I`m doing this class with you Cindy. Your Electronica quilt is going to be amazing!!

  8. The blocks look awesome! The LOVE one is my favourite! =D

  9. Love your colourful sampler, and your Electronic quilt is looking fab!

  10. I LOVE those blocks for the Electronica quilt! It's certainly going to make a statement, in the nicest possible way!

  11. Loving the blocks. I bet your students are too. Di xo
