
Sunday, July 8, 2012

Finish Along: Third Quarter Linky

Wow is 2012 flying by!  It's the start of the third quarter already and time to link up with Rhonda's Finish Along.  I did join in the 2nd quarter finish along and it was a FANTASTIC way to keep focus and finish up those little fiddly projects.  I can't wait to see what this quarter brings!

What will I finish this quarter?  Here's what I am hoping:

1. Electronica.  I finally have all of the blocks I need to finish off the top.  I "just" have to piece the top, layer, quilt and bind.  It would be fabulous to finish this one off.  It was on my goals list for the 2nd quarter and I just mentally could not get into it.  Let's hope I enter this quarter with a fresh mind.

2. Granny Mania.  I have a finished top and a back under way.  This also needs to be layered, quilted and bound.  It's do-able, though.  This is a baby quilt, so I can quilt it myself without a huge struggle.

3. Community Quilt.  There will be some kind of massive party in my house when this quilt is finished.  I am nearly tearing up just thinking about it finished off and on the bed.  The top and back are finished and have been sent off to Trudi for quilting.  When it's returned I will add the binding to finish it off.

Woo hoo!  I'm ready to start stitching.  Thanks, Rhonda, for the little push!  


  1. Ooooh ! Totally do-able! You are going to have some great finishes soon!

  2. Three great projects to get finished.

  3. Those will be some fantastic finishes!

  4. Oh Cinders, just the thought of having those three quilts in 3 months time must be enough to spur you on - they're all going to be so lovely! (especially looking forward to Electronica)

  5. They're going to be three fantastic quilts!

  6. What FUN projects to work with for the finish up!

  7. Lovely projects to finish and still lots of time to enjoy the summer. I already miss my sewing machine

  8. Do I have to visit you to see the Community Quilt and Trudi's great quilting?

    Looking forward to seeing all of these done! Good for you!

  9. What a nice group of finishes!

  10. Good luck with these Cindy, really look forward to seeing Electronica.

  11. You are going to be dancing when the community quilt is done, but all three are going to be seriously fantastic!

  12. OMG... can't wait to see your quilts finished... seriously! Your tops look gorgeous!

  13. What great looking quilts! I know you can get them done =D

  14. Love them all, but your community quilt is my fave.

  15. gorgeous quilts and totally love electronica - very cool :)

  16. Those are each so wonderful I can't wait to see them all finished!

  17. Yay, that looks manageable, good luck!

  18. The dark gray in your Granny Mania looks fabulous. Good luck getting the list done this quarter.
