
Friday, July 27, 2012

Non-Quilty News

I do tend to focus the blog on quilts or stitched crafts, but I thought today I'd tell you a bit about the other bits and pieces going on around here that make me super happy.

Two lovely ladies have moved into the back garden.  That's right!  We have two totally free range hens.  They're named Dora and Penny.  Penny is the confident leader and Dora the sweet but shy gal.  Together they are best friends and the spend every minute within 2 feet of one another.  They even sleep cuddled together in one nest box.  They are about 4 months old now and have just started laying eggs. That's right....we're collecting two eggs a day and already are overwhelmed with the number.

Penny knows snacks usually come in the orange tea cup.

Once Dora saw Penny checking out the cup, she came out from under the tree to look for herself.

Yep.  Dora agrees that's the snack tea cup.  Indeed.

So they finally had a look around the grass to find the corn.  Happy, happy chicks.

In other news, I've had the urge to knit again.  I just wanted something portable to go with me camping and on long drives.  I find stitching hexies a little much for my eyes when the car is moving, so the knitting needles become my best friend.  If you remember, I did try knitting once before.  It was a super basic repeated knit stitch that didn't give defined pattern.  Still, I like it and enjoyed the process.  That scarf is still not finished only because I don't know how to get it off of the needles.  I'll work that out eventually.  In the mean time, I've started another scarf.that has a basic rib pattern.  The ends will be stockinette stitch and the a repeated knit two, purl two to get the rib.  So far I'm loving it.  I do really need to get into a class or something...You Tube can only take me so far.

Here's a small bit of semi-quilting for you.  Jennifer of the Knotted Thread is hosting an I-Spy charm swap through flickr.  Come join in the fun.  You just have to follow this link to flickr and join in the group.  Post a photo of the fabric you're tossing into the swap and Jennifer will take care of the rest.  Easy peasy.  I am using the wellies print from Fluffy Sheep Quilting.


  1. your girls must be happy to be laying eggs xx I have this vision of you wearing a scalf with the stitches attached to a needle!and a ball of wool !! SO funny... go find someone who can teach you to cast off !! lol x

  2. Here's a video on casting off!

    Didn't know about the crochet hook method - hope you can finish your scarf now! And show us!

  3. I love your chickens Cindy. We just got two rescue hens to join our four very pampered ladies, who are not very impressed with the new arrangement. I really know why they call it pecking order now. The poor ex-batts are almost bald and very sickly looking but I can see a little improvement every day. As for the knitting, any time you fancy meeting for coffee and a cast-off lesson just give me a shout :- )

  4. If only I was closer, I could show you how to cast off! The purple wool is a wonderful colour!

  5. Oooh, fresh eggs, yum!

    I'm foreseeing lots of spiky scarves in your future, and a knitting needle shortage in Galway ;o)

  6. Aww where's the pics of Clarkson and Dora and Penny?? I would so love fresh eggs every day...

  7. We kept chickens as a child - they and the hens were the best. Don`t talk to me about knitting - knitting is my nemesis!

  8. Oh my! What does clarkson make of them? I'm fairly sure my cats would kill a chicken... They are city kittys, the only wild things they know are moths.

  9. I so wish we had chickens. Fresh plentiful eggs sound amazing.

    So excited to see you are also in the i-spy swap. Hope it fills up soon.

  10. Your girls are beautiful! How do you tell them apart?

  11. Chickens in your backyard, that is just too cute! The eggs will be wonderful I am sure. Do try the casting off, there are many easy ways, as your knitting looks lovely.

  12. I have wanted chickens for a while now and we keep getting talked out of it. Are they messy (pooping everywhere)? That is our concern since we have 2 large patios in the yard, we don't want to have to wash the patios everyday.What colors eggs do they lay?

  13. I had a Henny Penny growing up! Thanks for bringing back a fond memory!

  14. The backgarden-ladies are gorgeous. Can't wait who is moving in next ... maybe a donkey? Matching in wellies *gg*

    Knitting is great. I love it in wintertime but it is much to hot here

  15. chickens! how cute is that! thanks for mentioning the swap!

  16. Your chickens are beautiful! Your scarf look really cool! I might have to copy it :) Casting off is pretty easy once you do a few stitches, I don't think you'll have any problems!

  17. What sweet chickens, looks like they were loving that grub!

    Great job on the knitting

    Yay I'm in that swap too =D

  18. I started knitting about three months ago and absolutely love it. While I love quilting, I really like how portable the knitting is. I can't haul my sewing machine around everywhere!

    Good luck with your scarf! I love the color you chose.

  19. Lovely to see your 2 happy girls! Those wellies are so cute! Happy knitting! Jxo

  20. Pretty yarn, nice pattern.

    Casting off is easy but because you don't want it to tight, look for instructions for suspended cast off!

    Fresh eggs sound good!

  21. How great to be able to collect fresh eggs from your own chickens. We'd love to have chickens ourselves but the dog would make their lives hell! We have got friends who have some though and love it when we have to help them out by taking home some eggs :)

    Have you tried the videos at I found them great when I was learning.

  22. What beautiful hens! I'm jealous. :) I would love so much to have 2 or 3 ladies live with us!

  23. I'm about convinced we need some chickens. Now to convince my husband and get him to build them a coop....maybe in the spring.
    And I love your scarf. I promise that casting off is easy-peasy. I'm a very on-again, off-again knitter and had to call my Mom many times to remind me how to cast-on! But I've got it now. ;)

  24. How neat is that, your own chickens! We've talked about getting some ourselves. Your knitting sounds relaxing. I find sometimes I just want to pick up my needles and knit!
