
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Scrapy Swapsies

I've been fluffing about trying to keep life afloat the past few days.  The chicken was traumatized by the same stinkin' dog on Monday so we were off to the vet, the clothes washer broke on Tuesday, a car broke down Tuesday night, last night unexpected company arrives (and we've no clean sheets! and no washer!) and one fuse in the house keeps blowing.  It's just insanity around here.  Clarkson, the cat, has decided to contribute to the chaos by bringing in live birds and setting them free in the kitchen.  Twice this week.

In all of the insanity, a little parcel dropped through the door.  Scraps!  Perfect timing!  Scraps from a little private swap started in this post.   Want to see what arrived?  They will be great in my Chaos quilt.

and what went out in a second swap?

Now I just have to get to chain piecing these little guys together.  It's so rewarding seeing the scrap pile turn into pieces of fabric I will use in a quilt.  Insane pile of scrappiness to nice, trimmed order.  Makes my heart flutter every time.


  1. Isn't it great that something so seemingly insignificant can turn things around? ;-)

  2. Oh, crap! You're having quite the week, aren't you? I wasn't laughing about Clarkson, honest. Okay, I may have sniggered (10 days til K-day for us!) I'm excited to see the Chaos quilt - just the name alone appeals massively to me!!

  3. Lovely swapsies - fabric makes everything better :) And what a clever cat - he must be a vegetarian!!

  4. Oh dear, you are having a time of it! Thank goodness fabric cheers us! Chaos indeed!

  5. At least the fabric will keep you going, those scraps could make a great hippy quilt...Kx

  6. Oh dear...time to get out the water pistol?!! (For the dog, not Clarkson!)

  7. Goodness me, your life makes mine look so tame. Loving the scrappy goodness though.

  8. Scrappy is happy :o) Sounds like your life is a bit scrappy, too. The chaos quilt will be fun to work on >>>smiling<<<

  9. Oh for a simple life, hey?! Weeks like that are so that you'll have funny stories to tell in years to come! Never underestimate the joy of an unexpected squishy parcel in the mail! I love them.

  10. poor you.
    I hope things settles down for you.
    scraps looks very cheerful

  11. Oh, crikey! What a week! Makes you appreciate the times when things go right, doesn't it? Just keep peeping at the scraps to cheer you up.

  12. Good Grief!! That is one intense week so far, I hope things mellow out for you.
    That little package only proves
    "one quilter's scraps are another quilter's treasures {and sanity}!!

  13. Love the scrappy quilt. Our chicken was carried two blocks by a neighbors lab. she seems to have survived the ordeal ok but hasn't started laying yet.

  14. What, you *didn't* want more pets? ;o) Hope the weekend goes better!

  15. oh no what a crazy know I'm with Hadley on the solution!

  16. Wow what a way to start the week!
    Those scraps sure showed up at the right time =D

  17. I'm with wow life is a little crazy...wanna come over ? Hehehe

    Btw if you need more scrap variety I am up for a private swap.
