
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Do. Good Stitches: September Blocks

The CARE circle of Do. Good Stitches made Liberated Churn Dash blocks this month using a tutorial by Sew Joy Creations, but kind of modified to allow for the final size that Kris, our mama, wanted.  We were to make two blocks with jewel colored blues and greens.

Huh.  Jewel?  I had search through Google Image to see if I knew what jewel colors were as my brain is 100% totally focused on insanely bold, true primary colors.  I had batiks in my stash that were not getting used.  Maybe those would work!  I think they're OK...they seem to fit in with what the other bee members are creating.

Kris, I hope they suit what you had in mind!  


  1. They are lovely! Perfect in fact!

  2. You have batiks in your stash? Are you mad woman? Lol. I'm kidding. They look lovely and perfectly jewel toned :o) If someone says jewel tones to me I just reach for the AMH.

  3. I would call them jewel tones! Lovely blocks!

  4. I love these blocks! I find wonky really hard to do though! I keep straightening thing up without realising!

  5. this block looks great! I love the colours and the whole pattern

  6. The blocks are beautiful and I love churn dashes. Maybe I should make some too, we shall see.

  7. They are the prettiest batiks I have ever seen! Lovely blocks and I made mine yesterday funnily enough.

  8. Lovely, but... are you sure you don't need some glasses? They look a bit out of line somehow :-)
