
Monday, September 10, 2012

Sew & Bee Happy September Block

You know when you start making a block and it's the perfect block to match your  mood?  I hit that moment.  This month in Sew & Bee HappyJudith has requested improv pieced blocks for Bee Blessed.  I was assigned a dark or royal blue colorway. 

It was a bright sunny day so the freedom of a improv pieced block was perfect.  As my little pile of happy scraps has grown quite a bit, I was more than happy to dig through and find pieces that might work for Judith.  I was lucky to have a few larger scraps, a few smaller scraps, a few solids and a few nutter prints.  Together they make me happy.  This is 10.5 inches of color with a white sashing to bring it up to 12.5.  Happy days.  Hope it suits your quilt, Judith!


  1. How could it not suit Judith's quilt? It is lovely.

  2. Lovely block...just like you. Oh look...another fit.

  3. It looks great! I'm sure it'll suit just fine! :o)

  4. I love making improv blocks too!

  5. Beautiful block. There is something nice about just going with the flow and the fabrics that you have to hand. Di x

  6. I love improv blocks!

    You've got a beauty here, Cindy. What a pretty addition it will be to Judith's quilt.

  7. Lol I didn't even notice the white sashing until you mentioned it! Such a fun looking block =D

  8. Oh it more than suits my nutty tastes! I LOVE it! Thank you! Jxo

  9. Eek good one - I am lime green!
