
Thursday, October 18, 2012

Super Awesome Mail Day!!

Looking for the Mama Said Sew giveaway?  Click here.

I am SOOO excited! Guess what was waiting for me at home after a long day at work?  There was a rather heavy parcel from Sarah holding my Japanese charms from her Japanese Charm Swap!  There is just something so awesome about Japanese prints and to have a variety like this totally makes my day.

I have not had a proper look through them all yet, but these six caught my eye immediately.  Frogs! Elephants! Sparkly piggies and adorable bunnies.  Awesome, awesome, awesome.  Thank you, Sarah, for organizing us all!

But wait!  What is this nice little unassuming envelope next to my pile of charms?  Yippee!  It's fabric tape from Mary!  Look!  Look at what is inside!

I can not wait to pack up my next pile of bee blocks and put a little bit of this happiness on the envelope.  Look out, Annabella!  If you are looking for a bit of fabric tape (or bunting or a super notebook cover!) to spice up your home, hop over to Mary's etsy shop for a peek.  Mary, I am super thrilled.  Thank you.

As a general comment from now until about May, I am sorry for the quality of my photos.  It gets dark early here in Ireland and I just can't get home before the sun starts to set.  I will try my best, but can't make promises :)


  1. Yay! So glad they've arrived :-) Arent the sparkly piggies gorgeous?! Who doesnt love a bit of glitter...

  2. Got mine today as well! Love them!
    But the fabric tape looks amazing too. Lovely things you got today :)

  3. Gorgeous post! Have you got plans for your charms, other than admiring them at every opportunity?!

  4. I did a double take when I saw the first photo because I sent the fabric on top and I thought you'd got a whole pile of it and thought - how did that happen?!

  5. yippee for fab post - there's so many great fabrics in the bundle isn't there :)

    I'm off to check out the fabric tape.

  6. A happy mail day indeed! The fabric tape is great! What a lovely addition to a parcel!

  7. Yay! Glad yours made it too! I'm looking forward,to,having a real play with mine soon :). Lovely lovely fabric tape too!

  8. I was blog-hopping and landed on your blog! I was delighted to see that you are in Galway, as I love the city (although sadly I haven't been there for many years). My paternal grandparents, and my only aunt and uncle, moved to Galway from Scotland when I was just a baby. I remember as a small child writing letters to them when they lived in Eyre Square, then they lived in Salthill, and then just along from a hotel I think was called Ryan's. I would have loved to come over for the Quilt show in the summer, but unfortunately just couldn't make it.
    Regards, Anne

  9. Oh like you i got mine in the post today! Cheered me up big time! The frog/prince fabric is mine!

  10. Until May? You'll be lucky! Enjoy your cute charms! Jxo

  11. I'm having the same lighting troubles over here in NH. I took a quilt out for a drive today hoping to have a little photo shoot, but the light was too harsh with the sun already setting :( maybe this weekend I can time things better

  12. I would be well pleased to receive that in my mail :)

  13. Ooooooh, I love that vintage tape and I'm getting a little on an envelope containing lovely bee blocks!!! I love those charms BTW - and wish I had signed up. Next time!

  14. Oooo, how exciting. And even better after a long day at work!
