
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Fluffy Craft Fair Table

Looking for my Sew Mama Sew giveaway?  Just click here.

It is official.  It has rained for the last gazillion days in a row.  I have so many great finishes to show you, but I just can not get photos in the dry/light.  Instead you get inside pictures today.

You may remember a few weeks ago I held a stand at the Galway Food & Craft Fair.  I had a 3 meter by 2 meter space to fill anyway I'd like.  What great fun!

I brought in shelving units for the back and then hung quilts all around the walls.  Each space came with a table, too, so I set up a little sewing space to both conduct demos and to occupy me when footfall was quiet.    Made quite a few bee blocks right there!

You might notice an Oh Deer bunting hanging from the table.  The three quilts you see above were all created by Erin of Billy Button Design.  They were so beautiful!  And the wonderful Sarah of Fairy Face Designs contributed iPhone covers and zippy bags.  They were beautiful!  On the shelving to the back you'll see cut FQs, perle and lots and lots of Aurifil.  It was all topped off with my antique sewing machine.  Nearly needed a crane to get her up there!

I tucked a few bolts in there too just in case someone was looking for yardage.  Couldn't let them down!

And on the other side I hung Granny Mania and Chaos.  Granny Mania sold and is now on its way to a newborn little fella in the US.  Yippee!

It was an absolutely wonderful day.  Fantastic to meet new-to-me quilters in Galway, so fun to see familiar faces and a great creative buzz from the other vendors.  Thank you, Galway, for such a fantastic weekend.

Experienced craft fair hosts: any suggestions of how to improve next time?  I'm always open to an idea or two!


  1. Looks good to me, improve? did you have a bowl of sweets on the table? I've no idea if that helps or not but lots of people do!

  2. it looks great i know you enjoyed meeting new quilter's

  3. Looks great to me....If you made some money then that is a bonus! My friend thinks that is you attract the kids over with things for under £5 then the Grans will treat them and also spend money on them selves!

  4. well comparing with the winter craft fair here I'd say you get much bigger better space! Your stand looks absolutely lovely, I'm glad it went well :-)

  5. I love the quilt with the 5 blue blocks on de side wall!!!!

  6. Your stall looked great - you deserved to do well xxx

  7. I bring food to fairs to bribe people. Right enough, I've never actually sold a bear at one, only after, but people do remember the food lol

  8. What a pretty stall! A feast for the eyes! Jxo

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I think it looks beautiful, did you have any fun?

  11. The stall looks lovely and colourful. So pleased it went well.

  12. I'm wafting some sun over for you Cindy - your stall looks beautiful!

  13. Your stall looks wonderful - any chance you could set one up at the end of my street?!

  14. It looks fabulous and it sounds like you had a wonderful time. I'm glad it went well.
