
Monday, January 21, 2013

A little card wallet

My purse is bursting with those silly insurance cards, loyalty cards and library cards.  It's particularly bad for me as I have double the average bear with a life based in two continents.  Yes, that means two driver's licences, two sets of bank cards..and on and on.  I thought it was time to get myself under control.

I pulled out my four Joel Dewberry Notting Hill prints and got to work on a card wallet using this tutorial.

The tute is well written and very easy to follow.  It does suggest using a snap to close your little wallet, but I didn't have one on hand and I wanted to finish this little project this weekend.  No waiting for the shops to open on Monday just for that one little snap!

In the end I wish I used more contrasting fabrics for each of my card "tiers", but still I am quite happy with the finished wallet.  This took me less than an hour from cutting to finish.  If your wallet is bursting too this is a super easy fix!  Give it a go!


  1. Perfect! You do lead a double life, don't you?!

  2. I made a couple of these late last year and just need to put a closure on them. They really are easy to make and I plan to make a few more this year to match some bags I want to make for gifts!

  3. I could really use one of these! Great idea and so pretty!

  4. I made one of these last year (using the exact same tutorial!!) and I used a hair bobble and a button to close it. I love it!

  5. What a great idea, this is lovely! :-)

  6. Beautiful make, and you have an Ikea card. Life is good!

  7. It looks very chic Cindy!

    Lots of cards very little money in mine at the moment!

  8. I checked out the tutorial - I'm going to make one of these right away! I NEED it!

  9. Great idea! Is one side for the Irish cards and the other American!!! Jxo

  10. Double life hmmm... bet you're like some kickass secret agent and you have half a dozen identities... Pretty card holder wallet!

  11. Good idea. I may well be a copycat as my purse is fit to burst. Di x

  12. Superb! I can imagine you flapping that out on the counter every time you go shopping!!

  13. Great idea, I'm forever sifting through my wallet and trying to evaluate what needs to be there and what can take a break at home (then of course find I need that one!)

  14. Looks great. I like your practical streak coming out, and pretty too.

  15. I love it! I could really use one of those, and I love how there are lots of slots, rather than the usual four slots I've seen on other patterns.

  16. Nice job Cindy, looks great! I see what you mean about the inside dividers but sure the cards are colourful enough to differentiate. I think it looks super! Fi

  17. Looks great....I've still not made one...oh how I dream of having an Ikea closer....though I was treated over Christmas for a quick trip....first time in 10 years!!

  18. I love it and it's so uniquely yours!
