
Monday, January 7, 2013

Finish Along 2012

The forth quarter FAL 2012 is wrapping up, so I better get my entries in!  I did well this quarter and can't wait to show off my finishes!  The goals I listed out in October were:

1. A set of six place mats.  These were started as a teaching prop, but I really want them to be finished and put to use before the end of the year.

Done!  Well, I didn't finish the place mats as there was a huge problem with some of my measurements and some times you have to just let a project go.  The idea was to use them as a gift for my SIL for Christmas, so that just would not do.  Instead, I replaced this idea with two table runners that were finished off in December.  One of these is on her table right now!  We'll call that done.

2. Mod pop.  I have the pieces cut for a lap quilt, but they are not pieced into blocks. My goal is that by the end of the quarter I have a twin sized quilt finished off.  Yes, with the binding on and every thing.

Done!  Mod Pop was finished off and handed to my brother as his Christmas gift.  Oh, happy days.

3. Chaos. I am in love with this quilt. I am currently piecing the fabric cut it up again.  This will be a small 9 block quilt that will be finished off (hopefully) shortly.

Done!  I am so happy with this finished quilt.  It nearly took longer to get a decent photo than it did to make it!

4. Community quilt.  Nearly there, now! The amazing Trudi is busy quilting as we post our FAL goals, so I should have it to bind in the very near future.

Done!  It's done and in use on the guest bed.  I'll post more about it later this week to show you everything!

5. Mouthy Stitches tote.  I'm not giving away the secret quite yet, but rest assured the fabric has been chosen and the piecing has started.  This will be finished off by the end of the month.

Done!  I finished off this tote and posted it on time, but sadly it never arrived in Australia!  Arg!  I'll make another for my super partner this month...fingers crossed it arrives safely!

That's 5 for 5 this quarter!  Thank you, Rhonda, for hosting this past year. It's been a fantastic push for me to finish off those projects.  Leanne, I am really looking forward to a fresh set of goals for 2013!  Come back on the 7th for a new list, everyone :)


  1. Impressive! Five for five. You should win a prize just for completing your list.

  2. You Di really well in the last quarter of the year!

    Feel free to join my Year of the Finished Project if it interests you -- iId love to have oyu and t's not too late to link up for January.

  3. Great job! 3 quilts- fantastic! Looking forward to seeing your list for the first quarter!

  4. Nice job! Love the Mod Pop and the Irish Chain in particular :)

  5. Good job. Total sucess on the finish front. Di x

  6. You ROCK, Cindy!!! Great job on all! :)

  7. Marvellous progress but such a shame about the wandering bag...maybe it'll arrive out of the blue and tell us where it's been!

  8. Woohoo, congrats! Bummer on the missing bag though :o(

  9. Those are the best finishes, you really do rock! I am looking forward to your Q1 list too.
