
Monday, April 15, 2013

I Love Science

There it is.  I've said it out loud.  I love science.  I'm pretty sure that make me the Queen of the Dorks, but I am quite happy with that title.

When I saw this cross stitch pattern I could not resist.  I was thinking that I might even bring it into work and hang it over my laboratory bench.  Wouldn't that be hilarious?  My peers know my love for needle and thread, so they would get a great laugh!

This is my first finish in the Q2 Finish Along.  I have been working on this since Christmas, but it was retired to the back of a shelf in Jan/Feb.  Now that the pup has arrived I needed to abandon the sewing machine for a few days and work on hand project.  It was the perfect time to dust off this cutie and finish it off.  I'm so glad I did!


  1. Suits you! A QAL2 finish already tho... my goodness you are good!

  2. Love it Cindy - you have to take it in to work!!

  3. Absolutely perfect for you! Love it.

  4. It's great! You HAVE to bring it to work :-)

  5. Cute! I love physics but that will be a difficult picture isn't it.

  6. Just so brilliant! I agree it must go to work!! x

  7. As a science teacher I think it's fabulous!! As the others have said it must hang out at work!

  8. Very cute. And if definitely belongs at your work bench.
    E xx

  9. Ha haaaaa!!! Love it!! Although if you are queen of the dorks? I must be queen of the geeks. We should get matching crowns. *g*

  10. Hee hee, that so has to go into work!

  11. I'd hang it over my work space -- it would make you smile every time you look at it!

  12. Don't you know that it is now trendy to be a geek! Or so my kids tell me!! Jxo

  13. If that's dorky then dorky is just wonderful. I think its terrrrrific.

  14. You definitely need to hang that above your bench! I want to make one to put over my lab bench now! And btw dorks are amazing.

  15. Oh wow I want one for my lab bench too! I think I would need to add a budding yeast

  16. It's so fun, great job! I hope you do take it to work :)

  17. how did i not know you're a scientist?! i love science too, dorks unite! super cute pattern, you should totally hang it up at work!

  18. I love it Cindy, it's so cute. I must show this to my son, he will love it :)

  19. Imagining you with flask in hand, labcoat and groovy goggles! Cindy Hyde?? or Cindy Jeykll?

  20. I like it! It would suit my husband. I didn't realise you work another job as well as running your fabric business!! Where do you find time?? Have you liked the Facebook page I f.... Love science? It has great sciencey posters and facts that come up in your feed.

  21. Queen of the Dorks? Hahaha, thanks for the laugh. My husband is a biologist so he's always talking science :-) Nice embroidery!
