
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Little Star Baby Quilt

You know how a quilt idea can get stuck in your head and that's all you think about for days?  Thursday evening I started thinking of this little baby quilt top and the idea just kept festering for hours and hours.  I even had a dream about it Thursday night!  By Friday I was fit to burst, so I got home from work and started sewing immediately.   IG followers (@fluffysheepquilting) have already seen the photos, but I wanted to toss this out for all to see and comment.

In a little sunny corner of my kitchen I pulled out the Chaos  home made scrap fabric and a bit of Kona to create a smaller version of the Giant Star Quilt.  I just used 8 inch square blocks (with a 15.5x15.5 inch center block) to either make a full baby quilt top (finishing at 30.5x30.5) or one quarter of a four star lap quilt for myself.  

I was feeling pretty good about making either one of these before Kat chimed in on IG suggesting it's really the start of a medallion quilt for myself, growing border after border.  Man!  Now there's yet another idea festering in my head...all weekend long!  

I am curious to hear what you guys think this should become.  Right now my heart (and out of control quilty brain) have kind of settled on this becoming a shop baby quilt (with the addition of another border) and I start a medallion quilt for myself using a different, more neutral background print.  What do you think?


  1. Its fabulous. Definitely a baby quilt

  2. Yep, I vote baby quilt! Perhaps a little too busy for the centre of a medallion! Jxo

  3. My vote goes for a baby quilt.

  4. Definitely a baby quilt with a scrappy border to finish it off! It's lovely!

  5. It's lovely whatever you are going to make from it! So happy and cheerful!!

  6. I think it's on the big side for a medallion centre. It is an amazing baby quilt - LOVE the darker Kona!

  7. It's so striking on it's own it would be a shame to lose that in a medallion quilt. I do love this though and I'm sure people without the need of a baby quilt would hang this on their wall to inject a lovely bit of quilty colour! Love it!

  8. I think it is beautiful! A really lovely baby quilt. I also just went and found/followed you on IG too :)

  9. beautiful! Yes baby quilt and then another for a medallion! :)

  10. it's lovely! but I'm leaning toward making this one BIGGER, maybe do a pastel baby version?

  11. I like the idea of this one as a baby quilt. I can see tiny stars as the border...

  12. It would make a wonderful baby quilt...but I think I would ad a small border to let the star float a little.

  13. I guess it depends on what you will do with the rest of your medallion quilt but this is a pretty overwhelming centre for any borders to keep up with. It is a wonderful baby quilt.

  14. I love the idea of a medallion quilt, but I think it would look equally beautiful as a baby quilt.

  15. I like it! The bright colors and bold star are just great. My vote is a baby quilt.

  16. Yes one of those! No help I know! Don't you have enough star quilts Cindy? Sorry silly question !

  17. I think it would make a brilliant baby quilt but you definitely need a version for yourself...

  18. Fab chaotic star! Defo baby quilt...

  19. A baby quilt! But then make another as the center of a medallion, you know what its like once the seed of an idea has been planted...

  20. If you stick with your first can never go wrong! It is an ideal baby quilt, especially with the addition of a border. Either way, it's beautiful!

  21. Oooh its such a pretty baby quilt, with a scrappy border on there it would be perfect! But it could be the basis for a medallion quilt - I'd maybe make the star a little smaller to start with. You can't go wrong either way, its gorgeous!

  22. Don't have enough experience yet to comment on wether you should use it for a baby or medalion quilt but just had to say I love the array of colours in it - it is fab.

  23. I am not one to buck a trend - baby quilt!

  24. That Kat is a trouble maker. Layer it, baste, it quilt it and bind it. Job done!
