
Monday, September 9, 2013

Clarinbridge Market Day

Last week I wasn't motivated to blog.  It took a while to recover from our Electric Picnic adventures (unpacking and sleeping and all) and I picked up a (totally rockin') souvenir head cold.  Anyway, life is back on track and I have missed you guys!  Here's the news...

Myself and Molly at the opening of the shop.  Molly was more interested in
her new friends at Madra to our left.

This past weekend  I spent Saturday (7th Sept) with the shop at the Clarinbridge Market Day.  Once a year they transform their town square into a market highlighting all of the local businesses and crafts people in the area.  There were jewellers, cupcake makers, antique shops, knitters, bookshops, livestock and veggie vendors.  It was so lovely to meet our neighbours, have a chat and peek around at the talent is just at our doorstep.

A wall of quilts by Emily (top left), Lucy (top right), Lynz (bottom left),
Annabella (bottom middle) and Little Star.
My other half and I put up a 3 meter x 3 meter canopy right in the center of the market.  We had a fantastic spot between a silver jewellery stand and Madra (love them!).  It was cold and drizzly so we decided to put up both the roof as well as the walls.  Thank goodness because by opening the rains were falling.  And falling.  And falling.  It was miserable, so there were very few people.  Finally by around 1 the rains lifted and the nicest group of supportive, cheerful, neighbourly folks started to arrive. 

A table of precuts, bundles, perle and Echio.  Yum!  Quilts by Rhonda (top) and
Erin (bottom)

 What was incredible was the number of younger girls and teens who were into sewing clothes for themselves, their dolls or cushions for their room.  That was really unexpected and very cool.  There were some new quilting faces and a few familiar friends.  Thank you all for coming out and saying hello.

Aurifil, FQs and Kona bundles along the table with quilts by Fiona (left) and
myself (right).

I'm sorry for the bad lighting in the photos.  There was no way to get a good photo from outside in the miserable rain back into the dark stall.  Please believe me  when I say your quilts looked just amazing ladies!  Thank you all for your talent and time.  xx


  1. Gorgeous shop! I don't know how long to take putting up the shop, but everything looks perfect!

  2. Just think, all your camping adventures were perfect practice for this day :oD Glad it went well after the rain!

  3. What a brilliant way to showcase local businesses! Your shop looks fabulous, of course! The weather was pretty miserable here in N Ireland on Sat too. Glad it cleared up a little later on to let some folks get to know you.

  4. Delighted to hear that once the rain cleared people came along, it's no fun doing an event like that with no punters!

  5. Clearly you were well prepared for the rain, and nice that it cleared up in time. The booth looks great.

  6. It's been a while since I had time to browse some of my favourite blogs....and I was not disappointed with my little visit here Cindy. Your colours are so cheery I love all your recent posts. Thanks for sharing! All very inspiring indeed. x

  7. What a pretty set up! Looks stunning! Jxo

  8. Looks like a place I would love to shelter in!

  9. The shop looks fab, and I do hope you sold, and sold, and sold stuff.
