
Monday, November 4, 2013

Dublin Knitting & Stitching: The Quilts

The Knitting and Stitching Show was held in Dublin this past Thurs through Sunday.  It's the biggest show in Ireland for folks who are into textiles and wool with exhibitors from all over Ireland as well as visitors from the UK.  This year did not disappoint with a great selection of fabrics as well as a few bright happy quilts in the exhibition.

Let's start with this amazing appliqué by Maureen Burns.  Appliqué (generally speaking) is not my thing in general, but I am in love with the colors used here, the gorgeous border and the amazing detail.  Incredible job, Maureen.

Of course there was a star quilt that immediately caught my eye!  Created by Galway's very own Margaret Cunnane this scrappy beauty pulled me in from across the room.  It's amazing what you can do with four patch pieces.  

The colors in this geometric masterpiece was just stunning.  How Moya Gerahty kept these biased seams under control I will never know.  The points here were just perfect time and time again!

My absolute favorite in the exhibit is this string quilt by Anne Maher.  I love how it's done in "frames" and how the quilting so perfectly highlights the block design.  I wish I had a detailed image of this quilt.  Where was my mind!?!?  

Irish quilters, you put on an amazing show.  On the train home, my mind was filled with quilty inspiration.  Thank you for such a great exhibition!  Come back tomorrow for a look at the new additions to my stash!  Woo hoo!


  1. You had a lovely day. I will try next year.

  2. Great quilts! I made a starry one like that once! And don't forget, when you click on the photo you get a (slightly) bigger shot of it!

  3. Those pyramids were super effective, and yet such a simple block!

  4. Thank you for sharing such lovely quilts.

  5. Thanks for sharing the pics Cindy, this year i didn't go near the exhibition to my regret, i was too busy shopping!, not good!.

  6. You picked out some lovely ones to show us ! Love that scrappy star quilt - you are a bit of an astrophile...of the quilty kind!

  7. I love the star quilt too. I wonder if there is a pattern for to take a look.
