
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Creating a happy place

Before Christmas I moved my (day job) desk and laboratory into a new building.  It's only now on my return to work that I have focused on making it my fresh, new happy place. I spend so much time at work, I might as well like my little personal space.

I have started stitching my little nerdy cross stitch.  I had such plans to stitch all the way to/from the US over my Christmas break....but the DMC order didn't arrive in time.  (Sigh.)  It did arrive by New Years so I have been happily stitching each evening.  Want to see what I've made?

It's an 18 count piece of Aida, so WAY finer than I am used to working with.  There was a small learning curve, but I think I have found my stride. I choose a soft, light blue/grey color so that the cream of the bone stands out.  I'm quite happy with it so far and can't wait to dive in on the lettering.

In the mean time, I have a massive grey noticeboard over my desk that is screaming for color.  (Weirdly enough it is nearly the exact color of Kona Med Grey.)  I decided to create little scrappy fabric thumb tacks to bring my fabric prints to work and spice up the board a bit.  So, I grabbed my button forms (stocked up while in the US!)...

and my overflowing scrap basket...

and I started in.  I used a tutorial by How About Orange for inspiration, but had to make a few changes given the bits and pieces I had available to me.

In no time at all I had a set of 10+ thumb tacks ready to brighten up my desk!   How satisfying is that for a nice little evening project?  Perfect.

I won't show you the "finished" version quite yet...will wait for the great unveil of the whole notice board.  I'm now thinking of a little bunting too.  Too much?


  1. Great little touches! Want to see a picture of you in situ!

  2. Nerdy bunting? Love that you are personalising your space.

  3. How crafty and clever are you? Well done for indulging in your personal space and looks like lots of people will be hand stitching this year...including me!

  4. Clearly i need more coffee because at first glance i thought you were stitching a tampon!!! So sorry! Your little stitches look great and those pins are really pretty :-)

  5. Oooh yes! Do bunting! And I think your thumb tacks are going to be very cute :-)
    E xx

  6. *chants* Bunting, bunting!! I can't wait for the reveal. I wish I had my own wee space at work for something similar, I have noticeboard envy!

  7. what a great idea. Looking forward to seeing your brightened up work area :-)

  8. Bunting at work, hmmm I wonder if maybe you might want to go for something else. How about improv modern looking borders to frame the board? Maybe coasters/mug rugs for your desk? How about that Electra - I have forgotten the name - quilt hung on your wall, it is modern and bold and funky professional like?

  9. I actually just read an article that making your work place homey is good for you! I have brought in a few tiny wall hangings for my booth at one of my jobs and have hung them on our bulletin board cubicle walls...I may have to try making these cool tacks, what fun! Thanks for sharing!

  10. So not fair, we are moving to a clear-desk, nothing personal zone soon :(

  11. Uh definitely need to made it bright and cheery - like you say, you spend a lot of time there.

  12. Definitely bunting. We all have bunting behind our desks spelling our names so everyone in the company knows who's who. Admittedly it's plain white, not yummy fabricky bunting, but it's still bunting so I say go for it!!

  13. I can't wait to see your notice board, etc. - they'll really brighten up your new lab!

  14. Very cute idea! I can only imagine what would happen if I tried to decorate my desk lol
