
Friday, April 18, 2014

Swoon Top: Finished!

It was nearly a year ago that I started Swooning.  My how time flies.  It took me a long while to start stitching the blocks after I choose my fabrics, but once I started in I LOVED making them.  They are massive, so finishing one block is incredibly satisfying.  However, this (massive) pile of blocks moved right out of my sewing room and lived on the spare bed for months.  I had a sashing mental block.  I don't know why.

Thanks to Miss Katy and the Q1/Q2 FAL I finally dedicated time to finishing my Swoon top.   It. Is. Massive.  My clothes line in not high enough to hang it without dragging on the grass!  The original Swoon pattern finishes at 80 x 80 inches (the cream center portion of my quilt) but I framed it further in two DS fabrics bringing the final top to 96 x 96 inches.  This fits our spare bed perfectly.

I have a plan to piece the back with my fabrics already pulled.  I am just waiting to hear a final word from the long arm quilter as to what size she'd like the back to be.  That's right!  There is NO way I am quilting this on my little domestic machine.  It will head to Cork next week for a bit of tender loving stitching.

I have my binding fabric here in my sewing room, so I just may whip up my binding so I am ready to go for its return.  That would be a lovely project some evening next week.

Since it was such a beautiful day, I had not one but TWO photographic assistants.  They explored, played together, smelled the new spring grass and (Molly) chewed sticks while Clarkson hid in the hedge.  Perfect.

That's the news here in Galway.  Fingers crossed I finish the Swoon back this weekend and send the lot off to the quilter next week!  So close to a FAL Q2 close....


  1. Your Swoon is spectacular! I've made 2 Swoon quilts & I know what you mean about the satisfaction as the blocks are finished. It's such a brilliant pattern. Can't wait to see this one finished!

  2. Look at that blue sky!!! I cannae believe it's a year since you started this. Tie really does fly. But it's been worth waiting for, it's such a beaut!! I've been contemplating a Swoon with fabrics I have pulled for a bed quilt. But I also still have a stack of Hope Valley - that would be nice, no?

  3. That is beautiful and sooooo huge. Putting the sashing on must have been a challenge. Loving that shot of it blowing in the wind. Enjoy your Easter, Cindy.

  4. Looks fab, and also like it's a lovely day there. I've got the 2nd side of some binding to get done, then I'm hoping to head to a country park to get some photos :o)

  5. Oh it looks fabulous! Your borders are great.

  6. Oh wow - this is one of my very favourite Swoons EVER! The border brings it to a whole new level :-)

  7. So beautiful! That is going to one very pretty spare bed!

  8. It is beautiful and getting it long armed is a great idea. We had snow last night, it is lovely to see your blue sky day.

  9. Its stunning Cindy really, really beautiful
    Karen x

  10. I ♥ it!! The Swoon is on my list to make. I look forward to seeing how you get it quilted. I wouldn't try quilting that myself either. I get maxed out at 72" square--absolutely no more quilt will fit :)

  11. Amazing Stained Glass in the sky photo.

  12. Wow, its fabulous Cindy. Can't wait to see it all quilted

  13. That looks awesome! I just purchased the pattern and have started pulling fabrics. Can't wait to start/finish mine :)

  14. Oh! Your swoon is gorgeous! Mine is still sadly unfinished, other things keep getting in the way! Can't wait to see how you choose to quilt yours, I'm struggling to decide!! xx

  15. Gorgeous! I love my swoon and this will equally beautiful , more so when it's quilted! Xx

  16. It's beautiful. alnice and bright just like you! congratulations for finishing!!

  17. It's a wonderful swoon quilt top! Lovely to see your blue skies too! Have a wonderful easter, Jxo

  18. Absolutely beautiful! Love the pic of the top blowing in the springy.

  19. Looks great! Love the fabrics you used to border it!

  20. Your Swoon is just beautiful Cindy!

  21. It's magnificent! I love the two borders - the golden yellow makes the whole quilt glow!

  22. It looks great - your colors are magnificent. Love the photo where it blows in the wind. I think taking it to a long arm quilter sounds like a seriously good idea :)

  23. really great spring fresh colours you used Cindy

  24. The photo of your lovely quilt in the wind is my favorite

  25. I have some big quilts coming and no idea how I'm to quilt them so I sympathise!

    It looks phenomenal though and I bet it will be torture waiting for it to come home!

  26. Congratulations on finishing your Swoon. It looks great. Maybe I can finish mine now as well....I'm also having a sashing block.

  27. Congratulations it's beautiful! Love the photo with the light shining through. I'm going to send my Swoon out too. Anything bigger than lap size and I don't wanna push them though my machine either!

  28. This is beautiful! I have one of these on my to-do list, thank you for sharing.
