
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Fabric Overload

Non-sewing life has taken over the past week or so, so I have little quilt-related stuff to tell you.  I am just checking in to say hello.

I was in the US visiting family for a short week of camping over Memorial day.  Of course, while I was there I could not resist a trip onto the LQS to grab a few pretties.

My mom found this pretty bundle.  I can not get enough of the bees and chicks and the
lady bugs were so cute!  At -50% who could resist?  

Re-stocking LVs that are very depleted after the medallion quilt.  The yellow Woodlands
print will be the medallion binding.  Can't wait to get that far in my medallion quilt!

And pretty FQs that sparked my interest.  I guess I was in a retro kind of mood?
I also scooped up a few Denyse Schmidt prints to coordinate with those I picked up over Christmas.  I have decided that these will be used in a queen sized quilt that I would like to make for a special family.  Now I just need to choose the right pattern.  Suggestions are welcome.  I am looking for a modern twist on a traditional block.

Never very good at these roundy photos, but you get the idea of the full mess
of fabric I have in mind for this quilt.
Edited to add: I didn't buy ALL of this on this trip...these are my Christmas goodies along with my new purchases.  You guys must have thought I was mental!

Cool prints...
Warm prints....
I also pre-ordered Lori Holt's new pattern for four mini quilts, so it was waiting for me when I landed in the States.  I am really digging her style right now and can not seem to get enough Vintage Happy.  Her new line, Flower Patch, has already been ordered for the shop!  Mmmm....pretty.  I am delighted to have a copy of this, but the piecing is VERY involved.  I thought it was paper pieced when I bought it, but no.  It's a million tiny little individual pieces.  I'll have to join in her QAL to really push myself.

And finally, through IG, Amanda (@graccieone) and I organized a magazine swap.  I passed onto her the two latest issues of Love Patchwork and Quilting, while she gave me an issue of Quilty and the one and only Love Patchwork that I was missing.  Thank you, Amanda!  I am totally in love with the cover quilt on this issue of Quilty.  You may see it in the making this summer!

That's what's going on around here.  I have started in on my Bee Blessed blocks, too.  Will show you those later this week.  Watch this space.


  1. Nothing more fun then fabric shopping, unless it is fabric shopping with your mom!

  2. Gorgeous haul!! Love those retro prints and the ds, I'm sure whatever you make will be brilliant :)

  3. ooooh leeeeeettle bit jealous of your ds.... not so much the 100s weeny pattern pieces!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. We are going to stay with friends in Chicago for Thanksgiving and I've already started on-line shopping (Easter sales & memorial day sales)and getting everything delivered to her.....the pile is growing!!

  6. So much fabric yumminess! Looks like you had a successful trip to the LQS.

  7. Wow that's a lot of booty! If you need some more of that egg print in picture 1, Fabric Guild has it for 60p a FQ so I can always pick it up for you. :) Yes I bought one!

  8. I think you're quite certifiable, but not because of your fabric buying ;o)

  9. Oh, so much loveliness!! You can't beat a bit of fabric shopping and project planning!! xx

  10. Gorgeous fabricness, and how lovely to spend time camping with your family!

  11. Umm no. I think it would be totally normal to buy all that fabric on a trip to the US? The prices are half that what we pay for fabric in Australia. So glad you got visit your family and spend time with them. How's the little niece? All girly yet?
