
Wednesday, October 1, 2014

New Ironing Board Cover

In packing for the Modern Quilters of Ireland retreat, I said that I would bring an iron, a board, cutting mats, etc thinking that since I was local it was easier for me to get stuff there over someone coming by train or bus.

My ironing board cover is 15+ years old and looking pretty shabby.  It's an American-sized board, so the Irish store bought covers are all too short.  I decided if I was lugging that ugly, oversized thing all the way to our retreat, I would use the extra space in the class room to roll out fabric, trace and make a new cover.  It HAD to come home prettier than it arrived.

With 30 minutes left in our sewing day I panicked and started tracing and cutting.  I brought with me the world famous IKEA hippos that were left over from making a quilt backing and scrappy strips of batting to use as a cushion.  It worked a treat! 

I followed a tutorial as a guide, but really I was just a sewing maniac not adhering to their thoughtful instructions.  My hem is not as pretty as theirs and I had to knot together pieces of scrappy ribbon for the tie.  No one will see it and it does the job just fine.  I'm delighted to have a new pretty cover brightening up my sewing room!  Yippee!


  1. Great job! I love that fabric-perfect for the ironing board cover!

  2. So cheerful! I love that hippos print, I was so sad when they discontinued it.

  3. Gorgeous! I never had the pleasure of this fabric.. Hope to make it to the next retreat!

  4. well done! I love this fabric :-)

  5. Looks wonderful, have you not got a before photo to show? I recovered mine a while ago and was horrified at how horrid the old one was!

  6. Looks like a fun ironing board, but of course, there is no such thing as fun related to anything to do with ironing!! If you have a next time, picture hanging cord that comes in big "spools" from your DIY place is really good and strong for the ties underneath. Saves your ribbon for something prettier.

  7. I love that hippo fabric :) sadly, there is no Ikea anywhere near me, so I haven't been able to stash any. I had no idea there was a difference in size between American ironing boards and those from other countries. You are so nice to carry all those big, cumbersome supplies to share so others didn't have to :)

  8. Love the hippo fabric - I need to add that to my aqua kitchen trolley next time I'm in Ikea!

  9. oh just seen that they've discontinued it - what are they thinking!

  10. Now we all want IKEA hippo fabric.

  11. Cool ironing board cover, you won't be able to help smiling at those hippos. I love the photo of it outside! I know this is weird but it made me think it would be fun to set up ironing boards like a stone henge. My brain has weird ideas sometimes.

  12. now this is one pretty ironing board cover. Love, love, love. and you did an amazing job making it in just 30 min.

  13. great idea, happy hippos to make you smile whilst ironing
