
Monday, June 8, 2015

Eclipse - The Third Block

My third (of four) Eclipse block is well under way!  This one will be soft pink in the center and green along each arc.  I have pulled out several of my precious pinks as these blocks are a great way to showcase my happiest prints!

The arcs are finished.  I love sewing arcs as I can pull my favourite charms from my stash and mindlessly chain piece them. So satisfying when they turn out with such crisp points!

I have my inner pie pieces and the outer background fabrics cut and ready to go!  Now just to find a few quiet moments to stitch.....


  1. Find time, find time!! I'm desperate to see this coming together!

  2. Find time, find time!! I'm desperate to see this coming together!

  3. i really love how this is coming together!

  4. Love that background fabric - colours are really popping against it!
