Saturday, April 9, 2016
Get your goals list ready!
I'm late! I'm late! I missed a very important date. That's right - the second quarter of the 2016 FAL kicked off yesterday, but real life got in the way of my posting the linky party. I hope you took that extra 24 hours to get your goals list ready. Have you been thinking? Dreaming big?
Again this quarter, the FAL is hosted by a wonderful team of international bloggers. You can join into the FAL fun on any one of these super blogs:
Together we will hopefully find inspiration and motivate one another to complete those unfinished projects that are hanging about becoming UFOs. Now is the time for you to post on your blog or IG account a list of projects you hope to finish in the next three months. At the close of the quarter, please come back here and tell me what you have finished on your list. Each finish will qualify you for one of many wonderful prizes from our sponsors. There is no penalty for not finishing a listed project. Dream big.
The 2016 Schedule and Rules for the FAL are on my permanent FAL page, let me know if you have any questions.
We have several super sponsors supporting the FAL this quarter. If you spot a new-to-you shop or designer, be sure to click on their logo to visit their blogs/shops and say thank you.
We plan to finish each quarter with a week long series of tutorials. Did you see them pop up on blogs last week? What did you think of them? Or is there a tute you'd like to see next quarter? Pop a note in the comments section below with your thoughts.
Let's get down to the linky! That's why you're here, right? Here's how this will work:
1. take a photo of the project(s) that you want to finish this quarter.
2. tell us how you have started this project - even pulling fabric with a plan/pattern is a start!
4. while you're listing your goals list, click on a few other links in the linky party and give your fellow sewists a bit of encouragement and support.
5. for your finish to qualify for prizes, it needs to be a finished project (not a finished, block or finished top - a finish is a bound, usable, gifted (you get the idea) project.
6. it would be great if you could tag your Q2 list as #FALQ2yourname.
The 2016 Q2 link for your list of proposed finishes is now open below on my blog and on each of the hosting blogs. You only need to link your list once, on one blog and it will appear on all of the hosting blogs. If you would like to link up via Flickr or Instagram, pop over to visit Katy (The Littlest Thistle) as she has a great tutorial on how to link-up.
So, add your link below. The Q2 linky party will stay open until 11 pm EST, April 16th - as we are global, you might want to check your time zone to determine your last possible time to link. I can't wait to see what you're making!
Well you might think you were late with the second quarter but I did not even see the posts to the linky for the first quarter finishes. Sigh. All my finishes did not get to show off!!