
Friday, December 23, 2011

Quilt Art: International Expressions

How lucky am I that I return to my hometown for Christmas and there's a quilt exhibit on?  What great news!  So, my folks and I went out to have a peek.  What a nice way to spend a few hours with them.  Neither are quilt makers, but both are quilt appreciators, so they are very supportive of my quilty love.  How cool of them.

So, we went to the local James Michener Art Museum.  All were art quilts, so not a traditional block in the bunch.  No modern quilts to speak of either.  Still, there were some fabulous colors.  This, for example, is my favorite:

I. Am. In. Love. With. It. 

Can I make something this beautiful?  This far outside of my comfort zone?  Well, I'm going to give it a try! 

Want to see a few more?

They were all beautiful in their own way.  Lots of hand dyed fabric, lots of applique, lots of non-cotton fabrics.  The quilting was always impressive.  My only complaint is that not all were actual quilts with three layers, but sometimes were even only just quilt tops.  Ah, details.  Still, it offered color and great inspiration and I can't wait to get stitching myself! 

This exhibit is traveling, so if it comes near you it is absolutely worth a peek.



  1. Love them too! Thanks for bringing us along - will be looking forward to seeing your interpretation! Have a great Christmas!

  2. wow, really like the stripey one!

  3. lovely bright colourful cheerful, just what we want to see this time of year. Enjoy your Christmas Cindy

  4. Wow, love all the shapes and colours! Hope you have a fab Christmas with the family :o)

  5. Love the third one. thanks for sharing.

  6. What amazing quilt! They truly are works of art! V.inspiring! Jxo

  7. Nice! I love the red and blue quilt, second from the bottom.

  8. What a lovely way to celebrate Christmas! I love the quilt that looks like stacks of fabric!

  9. So I`m way behind in my blog reading and you are home!! Looks like a great exhibition and love the first and second quilts particularly. Merry Christmas Cindy!

  10. At first glance I thought the second one was a photo of new fabrics you'd been buying!! Looks like a lovely way to spend a few hours! Happy Christmas!

  11. what a grab area of the world to find yourself home for the holidays in. Love the James Mitchener museum - and I agree Quilts are not quilts til the three parts are joined.
