
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Branching out....

This holiday weekend was spent camping with friends on the other side of Ireland.  Our friend (and co-camper) took a photo of our camp fire.  Isn't it amazing?  Can you see the stars?  Gorgeous.  That's me there to the right of the blaze.  

We were at a 3 day long music festival filled with great gigs in the woods, by the likes of Cathy Davy at Vantastival.  She. Was. Incredible.

Needless to say, there was not much quilting.  I did learn the very (VERY) basics of knitting though.  I'm going to make myself a scarf...over the next decade or so.  I'm using a yarn made of baby alpaca wool.  My other half reminded me all weekend long about the poor, cold, freezing baby alpaca there in Peru just as winter was setting in.  Wouldn't he/she like her coat back?  Oh, goodness.  

I have really enjoyed learning a new skill, something to mess with while sitting around and chatting with friends.   I love that it's portable and that I can quickly see progress (due, of course, to thick wool).  I am jazzed with the pattern, even though it's just a basic, repeating stitch.  And so far I don't see mistakes that I have not caught and fixed.  If you see them, just keep it to yourself, please.  No raining on this parade.

I am loving these needles, though.  They are super chunky and clunky and, as my friends have told me, for the total newbie child.  Still, I think they're just great.  As I have no idea what I'm doing, I made the scarf WAY too wide, so now I have to buy another 2-3 skeins of yarn to finish her off.  Will stop down this week, Eva!

In other news....

Time to get the old thinking cap on!  Sew Mama Sew giveaway day is quickly approaching!  Will you play along?  I absolutely will!  It's a great way to find new blogs and/or loose 3 days of your life on the internet daydreaming of all of your new projects with your huge give away wins.


  1. Next time your 'other half' tries to lay the guilt trip on you about poor freezing baby's...They shave them in the summer, and their fur grows back rather quickly. Maybe you should feed him only vegetables so that no animals are harmed. I'm not a vegetarian, I love me a good steak and some fried chicken.

  2. Your weekend sounds like paradise!

  3. Welcome to the yarn world you big Knit!(sorry couldn't resist) You can get much thicker needles than that Cindy and it knits up even faster! In an afternoon!

  4. I can't knit for love nor money. Well done you!

  5. Perhaps you should tell your other half that he is right and suggest a trip to Peru to give the scarf to theese poor freezing lamas? :-)

  6. Hope you weren't too cold camping! Just remembering how we found eachother on giveaway day last year!

  7. Oh another expensive hobby!!! Looks like an awesome weekend though x

  8. Campfire looks so cool :-) Congrats on the learning to knit!

  9. Wow the van festival looks great - that is so my thing.... Not sure about knitting .... I've tried it in the past without much success.

  10. I'd have poked himself with one of those wonderful needles ;o)

  11. Wow what a great picture! That would make an awesome canvas picture. Congrats on learning how to knit. Hope it all goes well =D

  12. I can see your weekend brought out quite the traveler in you - sounds just perfect. Except the knitting. I can`t knit to save my life. I have too much of a butterfly brain. x

  13. Great picture of the camp ground!

  14. Looks like so much fun at Vantastival! and well done on the knitting! I'll put another skein of the grey away for you :)

  15. The stars look amazing! We bought my Mum a telescope so she could stargaze (they have a house near Knock), every time I visit it rains!

  16. That first picture is fab - it would definitely be my screen saver!
    Another convert to knitting - you'll need more room for all the wool

  17. Amazing photo of the fire in the campground. Yea for Giveaway Day! I'll be playing along too. :)

  18. Ah, yes; knitting is the ultimate in portable handcrafts! Keep up the good work.
