
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Love on the Blocks: A Finish!

A finish!  A finish!

I finished this small-ish quilt that I created along with my students in the class held at Pippablue.  It's a sampler made from a mix of modern and traditional blocks, but made with super bright scraps to really make the blocks pop.  I am absolutely THRILLED with the finish.

And the back!  Is it possible to like a back more than the front?  Well, I might.  I love the concentric semi-circle quilting with invisible thread.  I won't lie - this was a struggle at times. Still, it was totally worth it.

The two things I've learned from this:  First, straight line quilting is not my friend.  I like dense quilting in repeating patterns.  This rocked my world.  Second, it's amazing how just seeing a finished product will eliminate all of your doubts of color choice, design, size, etc.  Once it's quilted and bound, it's a whole new entity.  Two really great lessons for me to learn.

Quilt Stats:
Name: Love on the Blocks
Made For: Myself. It was part of the class I taught at Pippablue, but it was mostly made for happiness.
Fabric: Kona School Bus Orange back and sashing with Kona Red binding.  The rest was made from a small pile of favorite fabrics that I had been storing away for something special.  
Batting: 100% cotton
Size: about 38 inches square
Quilting: concentric semi-circles in invisible thread
Pattern: Lots of traditional patterns, but with the LOVE block that was designed by myself.

PS - Be sure to come back tomorrow.  I have an exciting post for you!


  1. Love the quilting! And the orange is positively juicy :-) See you tomorrow!

  2. So happy ! Love LOVE L O V E this Cindy! You have absolutely aced that quilting and the orange just makes this quilt come alive!

  3. Love that quilting C... It really adds another dimension to thd quilt!

  4. I love the quilting...and the orange!!

  5. I love the quilt, but like you I love, love, love the quilting!!

  6. Oh wow! I really like this Cindy. Particularly the bottom middle block. My eye keeps being drawn towards it, it's kinda like an optical illusion.

    Especially love the circle quilting on it too!

  7. The quilt looks great! Love the blocks and the orange backing really makes it pop! =D

  8. Absolutely love the bright colours and the quilting, and the back is fab too!

  9. Such a fabulous bright quilt! The concentric quilting is brilliant!

  10. Brilliant - I think I need some School Bus... now where could I get some...?

  11. Turned out fab my dear! Love how bright and happy it is :-) The backing is just perfect, I adore it!

  12. Love the quilting, Dense quilting rocks! I've seen school bus but never been brave enough to use too much of it. Great finish!

  13. Wow, the quilting is awesome! Great job.

  14. Love the back Cindy, the quilting is adorable!

  15. I was going to do this exact quilting design on the quilt I'm finishing up a backing for. Great minds think alike I guess! Glad to see how great it looks on yours. :)

  16. Gorgeous sampler; lovely back. I'm just about to start a sampler quilt in class myself! There is so much I want to learn but don't necessarily want to repeat over and over!
