
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Modern Stitching Blocks: May

You read that right.  May.  I am that far behind in finishing these blocks for Susan.  But life-stuff took over the past spring and sewing had to fall behind.  I am slowly returning to my sewing-self and happily picked this up as my first project upon my return.

Using a tute written by Susan herself, I made these two blocks:

Susan was looking for blocks in aqua, grey, lime, lemon or pink with fussy cut centers.  I generally don't have the type of fabrics that are fussy cut-able, so I really had to dig for two cute ones.  I went with a little nesting bird in aqua with lemon tone on tone triangles.

And then a little boy-ish navy/blue camera by Riley Blake with pink HSTs with little retro flowers in white.

I do think they're going to look good with the other bee blocks I see in the flickr group.  I can't wait to see this top pieced together!



  1. Those blocks are lovely, and a great start to get back to sewing again!!

  2. Sweet blocks! Glad you are getting back to your lovely sewing self x

  3. They are beautiful, I love the combinations!

  4. Those blocks are worth the wait as they are lovely. Di x

  5. Lovely blocks thanks Cindy! Love the camera and the birdies!

  6. Sew very cute! The time has gotten away from all of us.

  7. Fabulous blocks! Good catch up here Cindy!

  8. These are beautiful blocks C! Hope you are managing some 'normality'! Jxo
