
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Twinkle Twinkle Top In Progress

I am a bit embarrassed to tell you how long this quilt top has been in the making.  The idea to use this block as my bee block started rumbling around in August or September of 2012.  I think that makes it my longest standing WIP/UFO.  My bee buddies were super at sending the blocks in, so it must have been me holding up the show.

You see, the trouble was that these blocks came to me in a huge range of sizes.  Although it was to be a 12 1/2 inch block, I had some as small is 11 1/4 inches!  I pulled apart six of them to re-stitch and enlarge them, but it just drove me mental.  I put them whole pile of them away and they collected dust. 

However, when the FAL for 2014 kicked off, it was a great excuse to force myself to dive in again.  I am not going to finish this quilt off by the end of the month, but I am quite pleased to have even started it again!  You will surely see it again on my second quarter FAL list.  

I have been messing with the layout, finding one that would be accommodating of several different sized blocks.  I had 12-13 blocks that were 12 1/2 inches square, so I set them on point as the center of the top, as you see above.  I have another 8 blocks that will be positioned around the top as a border, four at the mid point of each side and at the four corners.  That's the plan anyway! 

Only the 8 blocks in the border to go, then.  I am really looking forward to layering this quilt.  It is going to be the first full quilt that I had quilt and I can not wait to get started!  I'll need your advice when I hit that point, so start having a think of a quilting pattern and perle colors.  Decisions decisions!

If you are into making a block like this yourself, I wrote a tute for it back in Oct 2012 for Rhonda's Finish Along.


  1. Loving the on-point layout! I'm reworking lots of my blocks from this bee too! But it will be worth it in the end! Looks brill so far! Jxo

  2. Wow I thought it was finished already! Love the background solid choice and of course the fuzzy Miss Molly too! DO you find she likes to photobomb anything sewing related? I seem to have the same problem!

  3. Love the photo of Molly in the middle of the blocks - guess she's the one who scattered them? It looks great on point. I'll be remembering that tip!

  4. Looks lovely with all those HST! hope all the blocks find the right place :)

  5. It looks wonderful!!! I think Molly's photo caption could be 'I was just trying to see if I could fit my bottom on one of the blocks...I can't but I did discover that one block is the perfect size for two paws.'

  6. Looks like you weren't the only one playing with the blocks ;o)

  7. what a lovely quilt -- very birght and springy

  8. Wow, it looks amazing. Well worth persevering with

  9. All your hard work will be rewarded by a beautiful quilt. The solid you used sets of those bright stars wonderfully.

  10. It's so stunning as it is, I'd be tempted to use the remaining blocks in the backing!

  11. looks a really bright friendly quilt, I would use some of the too small ones in the back too.
    Will be great when it is finished.

  12. Your plan for dealing with the blocks is great and Molly is adorable.

  13. Beautiful colours... All the work will be worth it in the end!

  14. beautiful! What color (sorry -- i'm an american) is the background? it is so rich and deep. thank you
