I have much to be thankful for this year. I spent a good bit of time on Thanksgiving thinking about my wonderfully supportive, hilarious family, my (cutest in the whole world) pets that bring me much happiness and our new-to-us home in Galway. Thanks to all of you, this past year has also been wonderful for the shop.
I'd like to say thank you to each and every one of you with a Black Friday sale. This Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday I am offering 20% off everything in the shop with the code Black20. Yes, everything. The new Gooseberry, Modern Background Paper and Hello Friend. Even the Christmas fabric that will be the center of your world over the next month. Stock up on Konas, Aurifil and DMC perle while you're there.
Enter the code Black20 at checkout by clicking on the Use Coupon Code to the left of your screen under the pretty pictures of your fabric in the shopping cart. I have tried my best to update the website's inventory, but there may be mistakes. I will pack orders as they arrive, so everything on offer goes first come first serve.
Happy Black Friday. Hope you score wonderful deals all weekend long.
Friday, November 27, 2015
Thursday, July 2, 2015
Eclipse Block 3
Oh my! There is no excuse for showing you indoor photos with poor quality light during summer. Yet here they are. I did not realize how yellow they were until I started uploading them for this post. I promise to do better next time.
But here it is! Block number three is finished. Ta dah! Soft pinks with a lovely pure green and LV prints as the background. It's funny. This is not my favorite block thus far, but it includes some of my favorite prints of all time. Weird how that works.
In the center of the block you see two precious Heather Ross prints. I thought this mini, which will eventually be hung on a wall, could be a great way to take these prints off of my shelf and incorporate them into my daily life.
Those gnomes! Gah!
But this froggy fella is my absolute favorite in this block. Look at his little google eyes! Oh, the cuteness.
All in all I'm starting to become more confident with this block. I have fewer puckers, points line up a bit better and the curves are less of a struggle. Number four will be aqua and purple. I nearly have my fabrics pulled, but am procrastinating a bit as I am not sure the purple is THE purple. Just needs a little mulling over.
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Bits and Bobs
Summer has officially started here in Galway...at least as far as we have summer. The days are long and it's less rainy. That's summer. I have been spending lots of time camping, reading on the front porch, walking Molly on the beach and starting my very own garden. Happy happy happy. Very little time with my sewing machine, though.
I did start a new cross stitch project. It travels with me so easily, so it is nearly irresistible. This hoop began as a gift for someone special who has a big day in their near future. I will give you sneak peeks between now and the "unveiling" to keep it hush hush.
This is my first time using blue aida. It's quite difficult to see the holes while indoors, so I am a slow, sloppy stitcher in front of the TV. The blue background is super outside as the sun shines through from the back. Live and learn.
I also did a little test goose block the other day. This paper pieced block by Jeli Quilts is such a treat to make so I look forward to diving in and making block after block after block for my medallion quilt. I think I now know to what size I need to precut my scraps to minimize waste. It's a good place to start anyway.
That's the news. Nothing earth shattering, mostly just puttering around and enjoying a bit of quiet time.
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Modern Quilter's Of Ireland Exhibit
Last Thursday was the official launch of our Modern Quilter's of Ireland exhibit! This is our first exhibit, so it was very exciting for all of us. Personally, it was the first time any of my quilts was shown publicly, which I found to be quite surreal.
At the exhibit opening, both Paula and I had the opportunity to say a few words. I wrote mine out, so I still have a copy of what I said...or what I intended to say as I never really remember these sort of things accurately. I'll paste it below with a smattering of photos from the day in no particular order. Many of you significantly contributed to these ideas/words via the blog or Instagram. I thank you so very much for the inspiration and quotes included below.
Modern Quilter's Of Ireland (well...those who came on the day). |
It was really a wonderful day. About 15 of the Modern Quilters took the day to travel to Dublin. Some of us had met before, but many of us had not. We only knew each other through blogs, email and Instagram. It was so wonderful actually putting a face and real life personality with my online friends!
Tomomi's stunning wall hanging |
At the exhibit opening, both Paula and I had the opportunity to say a few words. I wrote mine out, so I still have a copy of what I said...or what I intended to say as I never really remember these sort of things accurately. I'll paste it below with a smattering of photos from the day in no particular order. Many of you significantly contributed to these ideas/words via the blog or Instagram. I thank you so very much for the inspiration and quotes included below.
Paula's tryptic |
Sarah Flynn and I started the Modern Quilters of
Ireland in 2012. At that time, I think
we had met once over tea in a Bewley's hotel, but we already knew each other
through and through just because we shared a common core. Superficially,
we are completely different: She's Irish, I'm not. She live s in Cork ,
I live in Galway . She's married, I'm not. She had two - now three - children and I have
fur babies. But we shared a love of quilting, which meant we were one in
the same.
Ruth's bee quilt |
We sew because we love
to create. We love the color and texture
of fabric, the warmth of the finished quilt, and the pride or sense of
accomplishment in a finished project. We
love the meditation in the process of sewing with time by yourself,
concentrating, expanding your horizons.
Fiona and her giant plus quilt |
Somehow sewing
attracts people who love to share, to teach, to gather and support one
another. It's much the same as what I
saw with my mother and her gardening friends, or with my partner and his
motorbiking buddies. You find a common
interest, and somehow you are immediately part of a community who watches out
for one another.
My own Startazing bee quilt. |
Our mission in
starting the guild was to create that community. We wanted to support and encourage the growth
of modern quilting, but we had to somehow do that from different parts of the
country. With the Internet,
the concept of community has fewer geographical limitations. We could share an online community regardless of physical location.
Claire's scrappy wall hanging. |
Through blogs and
social media, we quickly found a group of over 100 like minded individuals in Ireland , which
still shocks me as I was sure there were only 3 of us into modern quilting when
the guild launched.
My bee quilt...over hanging the tea station! |
In the words of Helen, "Our
quilting community is just that: a community in the best 'old fashioned' sense
of the word; people who support you through the tricky times, celebrate the
good times alongside you and extend the hand of friendship to all newcomers."
We cheer on successes like Fiona's quilt
that was published in a magazine, the birth of Erin 's
beautiful children and Geraldine's newly remodelled kitchen. We invited ourselves over to Anna's new house
for a retreat, and we will celebrate a certain someone's 40th birthday next
Partial Exhibit Overview |
We support one another through difficulties. It may be simply listening to one another
complain, checking in on each other when someone goes quiet and (of course)
sewing quilts for each other when we don't know what else to do. We simply support and encourage one another
because we are makers. It's a friendship
bound through creativity.
Sarah's quilt for her daughter. |
I asked everyone on Instagram last night what the
quilting community means to them. I
think this was my favorite response: "A place where I am accepted and
wanted because of my creativity. It doesn't matter how old or young I am, how
pretty or plain I am, how fat or slim I am.
My (online) quilting community includes me because I share my joy of
creating with them and they share their joy and creativity with me."
Ana's EPP stars. |
With this group, we are understood and accepted. So many of us do not tell people that we
quilt. It's what your granny does, or
for American pioneers. Within our
community we are free to ask questions, show our failures, ask for help, teach
one another. We inspire and encourage,
serve as unconditional support, laugh together and distract one another in
times of personal struggles.
Tomomi's sampler |
When Fiona and Sherrie presented our
guild with the wonderful opportunity to exhibit our quilts, I started digging through
the quilts on our beds, in my hot press, stacked up in the living room arm
chair looking for a favorite or two to share with you all. Two of my favorite quilts of all time are
here. It is only after they were shipped
to Sherrie that I realized why I love them so much.
Sarah's medallion |
Yes, I love bright colors and
repeating pattern, but these quits are quits made by this quilting community
through quilting bees. When I curl up on
the couch to watch a movie, I look down and see a friend next to me. I know their style of sewing, their favorite
colors, what fabric they have in their
stash. We created those quilts together,
and I love that I have a bit of each of them in my home.
Ruth's triangle quilt. |
I can't thank you all enough for
what you do. I'm privileged to be part
of such a great community!
Liz's square in a square in a square. |
Anna's own design. |
Irina's bee quilt. |
Monday, June 8, 2015
Eclipse - The Third Block
My third (of four) Eclipse block is well under way! This one will be soft pink in the center and green along each arc. I have pulled out several of my precious pinks as these blocks are a great way to showcase my happiest prints!
The arcs are finished. I love sewing arcs as I can pull my favourite charms from my stash and mindlessly chain piece them. So satisfying when they turn out with such crisp points!
I have my inner pie pieces and the outer background fabrics cut and ready to go! Now just to find a few quiet moments to stitch.....
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
Re-Joining Sewing World: Quick Little Purse
I am pretty sure it was 1683 when I last sewed. At least it seems that long ago. We are through the craziness now (or we think we are!) and I think I can finally dust off my beautiful Pfaff for some quality time together. Thank. Goodness.
This past weekend, though, I pulled it out of the car and brought it up to my sewing room. Oh, the glory! I love little hand held bags that fit just keys, a phone and my wallet for a night out. I have about a million of them in black, one AWESOME one in green, but I wanted one in navy blue as that seems to be sneaking into my wardrobe a lot.
A lot of preparation goes into making this bag, but when you have that sorted it comes together quite quickly. I used two Country Girls fat quarters and still have a reasonable amount left over. I love how the fabric looks, dig the green zipper and tabs that coordinate with the lining and love the size of it. The little pleat on the side is adorable. The pattern is, for the most part, very clearly written with tips and tricks along the way. The photos included in the pattern are very helpful. The only downfall for me was inserting the top panel of the bag that holds the zip. I could understand the instructions getting the fabric one either side of the zip (that went surprisingly smoothly!) but getting that attached to the outer shell and then for the outer shell to attach to the lining was a total disaster for me. Lots and lots of puckering and loosing sharp points (second photo, upper right corner) because you are sewing partial seams and can not see properly where corner seams lie with the fuzzy fleece.
Usually I can say that I would be better at a difficult step next time having done it this time. I do not see how that is possible here. It is good it's a super cute bag - I am sure there will be many in my future because of the cuteness and ease of the other steps. Boy, though, that zip was a killer.
For two months I have been driving around with a printed Clover Bag pattern in the back seat of my car. There are also umbrellas, a patient leaflet on cardiac procedures, Love Patchwork and Quilting issue 19, a wool hat, a pair of knee high black boots, hexies and a travel sewing kit back there. Anyway, I saw the pattern released on Michelle's IG feed and fell in love immediately. I bought it, printed it and then progress came to a screeching halt.
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Birthday Sale!
Today is Fluffy Sheep Quilting's third birthday! I invite each and every one of you to celebrate with me at the shop's the birthday party. It is only with your continual support and encouragement that the shop continues to grow, so who better to share the big day with? Let's party!
In celebration, we will have a 15% off SALE in the online shop. Just click over here to have a peek at the pretty fabrics, pile your favourites into the cart and use the code birthday at checkout to receive your discount. The coupon is good on all products including Kona solids, Aurifil threads, DMC perle...even the newly arrived fabrics! The discount code will be good through the weekend (to 17 May).
I thank you all for making this adventure so much fun. I thank you for the laughs, the encouragement, the cheers when I feel overwhelmed and for your suggestions along the way. The spirit of our wonderful quilting community continues to shine through and brighten each of my days. Thank you.
Note: the quantities available in the small bolts may not be entirely accurate. I will fill orders first come first serve.
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Modern Quilters of Ireland Exhibit!!!
I am SO excited to spread the word about the Modern Irish Quilter's exhibit to be held in Dublin the 25 May - 26 June at St Patrick's Hospital on St James's Street. It is just a 5 minute walk from Heuston Station with lots of parking available if you choose to drive. Be sure to jot it down in your diary right now...we'll wait. So many of our Modern Irish Quilters have been stitching like crazy, creating our own patterns and quilting our hearts out in preparation. You will not want to miss seeing all of their amazing finishes gathered together in one place.
What I really want to tell you about is the launch on 4th June. I have the great pleasure of speaking at our launch as the co-founder (with Sarah) of the group along with Paula Rafferty, a member of the group. I want to talk about our quilting community, its importance to me in terms of support, inspiration and encouragement. If you are so inclined, I ask you to share your thoughts about the quilting community and what it means to you. I would love to incorporate the voice of the community in my launch speech beyond babbling on about myself and my own views.
Thank you!
Monday, May 11, 2015
Eclipse: The beginning
Sewing has not been top of my priority list, so it is taking me ages to piece or quilt anything. Today, though, I finally finished a New York Beauty block that has been bouncing around in my head for weeks. It's so incredibly satisfying to finally see it in real life.
Do you remember at the end of March I took a NYB class? I finished one block in red and yellow. The one I finished today is navy and orange, shortly to be followed by pink and green and finally aqua and purple. The idea is to make a 36x36 inch "mini" using four NYB blocks. It will be called Eclipse as the blocks remind me of the eclipse I saw on my way to the my NYB class. It was inevitable really.
Love it. You will see it is not perfect, but I am absolutely getting better. By the fourth I will have this malarkey mastered I am sure. My pinks and greens are pulled and ready to go. Just need to make a few more arc templates and I am ready to roll!
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Modern Irish {Scrappy} Bee: December Blocks
Yes, you are reading that correctly. It is not a typo. December. That is how things are going in this house lately.
Anneliese was queen bee this past December in the Modern Irish Bee. She asked for two HST-based blocks in scrappy style. The first has a mini HST center on point, which is a fun twist. Check out Anneliese's tutorial for instructions of how to make your own. It is a super way to use up scraps and very easy to make with lots and lots of chain piecing.
Anneliese was queen bee this past December in the Modern Irish Bee. She asked for two HST-based blocks in scrappy style. The first has a mini HST center on point, which is a fun twist. Check out Anneliese's tutorial for instructions of how to make your own. It is a super way to use up scraps and very easy to make with lots and lots of chain piecing.
The second was to have a fussy cut center that reflects us. I've always had a deep affinity for frogs, so this Kokka print was the first thing I reached for. Man, he's cute.
They will be in the post today, Anneliese.
Monday, April 20, 2015
Thank You Gift
You know how great the quilting community is. We all do. Well, some of that greatness came to my aide a few weeks ago. A wonderful quilter, Miss Kelly of Jeli Quilts, used her super skills to design paper piecing templates for my medallion quilt. You see, I have decided that I want my next border to be flying geese, but I could not find a downloadable template that would let me string together geese so that they finished at the exact same length and width that I needed to coordinate with my medallion quilt top.
Kelly, the paper piecing pro, wasted no time in designing and sharing templates with me, letting me create the quilt top that I have floating in my head. What wonderful generosity!
To say thank you, I made her a notebook cover using her flying goose templates and my notebook tutorial. I combined Essex Linen in Navy as the background with Cotton & Steel basics (from my stash, not the shop). There's a book mark ribbon to keep her place and a little button/ribbon closure so the contents are not damaged when it's tossed in a bag on the run.
Inside you'll see the ribbon book mark on graph paper pages. Of course it's grid paper, right? What else would a quilt block design genius need?
Kelly, the paper piecing pro, wasted no time in designing and sharing templates with me, letting me create the quilt top that I have floating in my head. What wonderful generosity!
To say thank you, I made her a notebook cover using her flying goose templates and my notebook tutorial. I combined Essex Linen in Navy as the background with Cotton & Steel basics (from my stash, not the shop). There's a book mark ribbon to keep her place and a little button/ribbon closure so the contents are not damaged when it's tossed in a bag on the run.
The front. |
The back. |
Wishing now that I did my nails before this photo shoot! Yikes! |
The pockets to hold the front and back cover are also Cotton & Steel basics with a Cotton & Steel lining to coordinate with the exterior.
I hope she likes it. I hope she thinks it's fun, colorful and happy, inspiring her to design and create because she certainly gave that gift to me. Its by sharing, inspiring, teaching and encouraging that this quilting community is as wonderful and kind as it is. Its' people like my fairy template godmother who make this community such a special place. Thank you.
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Long Overdue Bee Blocks
To my shame, I still have four bee blocks owed to hive members from 2014. Time just got away from me. I am grateful to have finished off two of them this past weekend, leaving only two to go.
These blocks were made from fabric that was given to me by the queen herself, Anneliese. Using her tutorial, they were combined to create lots of HSTs with her LV prints used as background and a fussy cut center.
These blocks were made from fabric that was given to me by the queen herself, Anneliese. Using her tutorial, they were combined to create lots of HSTs with her LV prints used as background and a fussy cut center.
Sadly, the second fussy cut was a bit off center, so we lost a head. I assembled the block so it would be easy to replace this piece if you so choose, queenie.
I am quite pleased to say they are in the post on the way to you, Anneliese. Hope they arrive safely.
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Finished Pinwheel Quilt Top!
Woo hoo! I have finished the pinwheel baby quilt from my Craftsy class. This quilt is made of nine blocks, each made with four strip pieced sub-units. It finishes at about 36 x 36 inches, which is perfect for the little girl I have in mind.
I found making these blocks entirely meditative as they are chain pieced units of straight lines on a slight diagonal. Still, when pulled together they have impact. This was great fun to make, a fab way to play around with Peggy Martin's method of piecing. I can already see how her strip piecing can be used in my New York Beauty blocks, so I am delighted with how that Craftsy class keeps on giving.
It was a beautifully sunny day when I took these photos. With the sun, though, comes shadows which make it hard to see the top. I had to take the very non-artistic option and just toss it on the drive to avoid tree branches. It is not as pretty of a background, but you can indeed see the top better. Gotta do what you can, right? I am surely not going to be the only person in all of Ireland complaining about this spectacular weather!
Can you see how some of the points of the yellow squares are lost in some blocks? I am not entirely sure why that happened as I was only following the line on the template - there is no place to go wrong really. It must have been how I trimmed the units? Or maybe how I joined them together? I think it will be lost in the quilting and washing so I am surely not going to bother ripping the blocks apart.
So, does it need a border or will I finish it off as it is? If you are voting border, which fabric do you think I should use? I was imagining the pink floral as it has bits of the yellow in the center of the flowers, but that is quite a small print and usually I go for larger prints in the border. Any suggestions from here are totally welcome!
As usual, I had my photographic assistant next to me while taking these photos. She has been so very happy to spend time rolling grass now that the warm sun is out. She'd spend all day sunning her belly if I let her, the little cutie.
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