Thursday, July 21, 2016


2016 button 500 best

Woo hoo!  Announcement day!  Do you want to hear the great big list of winners for the Second Quarter of the Finish-A-Long?  We had 677 amazing, inspiring, spectacular finishes this past quarter.  Isn't that incredible?  If you have not had a chance to check out the finishes from Q2, please do.  You will find amazing new-to-you blogs and inspiration for your next quilt.  It is not too late to stop by and cheer everyone on.

Lucky winners, if you have not already received an email from Rhonda, it is on the way to you right now. Rhonda will need to hear back from the winners by Sunday, July 24 so that she can arrange to get your prize to you.  If she does not hear from you by that date she will pick an alternate. Please email her so you do not miss out on your wonderful prize from our kindhearted sponsors.

Thank you again to our generous sponsors. Without further ado, the winners - each picked by the random number generator - of the Q2 FAL prizes are:

Fluffy Sheep th_Shopbutton Fluffy sheep

The winner of the €25 (25 Euro) Gift Certificate from Fluffy Sheep Quilting goes to QuiltGranny who blogs at GRANNYcanQUILT and made this gorgeous beautiful baby quilt:


Clover & Violet Logo Buttons
The winner of 3 patterns from Clover & Violet is @limeleaf74 on IG who made this french press cosy:


The winner of the Oakshott Fabric £75 Gift Certificate goes to Sophie who blogs at Luna Lovequilts and made this adorable tote bag:

tartankiwi kiwi logo
The winner of 3 patterns from Tartankiwi goes to Jennifer (@crimsonconfection on IG) and also has an etsy shop by the same name and made this amazing cross stitch:


intrepid thread_button02
The winner of the $50 Gift Certificate to The Intrepid Thread is Kirsty (@kqdesign on IG) who also has this great weebly site and made this great quilt:




The winner of the choice of 3 patterns from Happy Quilting is Kat who blogs at Kat's Craft and made this bright and beautiful C&S coin quilt:


Green Fairy Quilts shopGFQbutton

A $25 gift certificate from Green Fairy Quilts goes to Heather who blogs at Quilting and Beyond who stitched this fold-it bag:


A copy of the full Aurora BOM Pattern from Blossom Heart Quilts goes to bee who blogs at Buzzing Around and finished this great Warhol-inspired mini:


MAP10 Banners

The $40 gift certificate from Mad about Patchwork goes to Genevieve (@theorlaproject on IG) who made and gifted this beautiful dresden quilt:


Christa Quilts logo300 Christa quilts

The winner of the signed copy of The Ultmimate Guide to Machine Quilting from Christa Quilts goes to Samantha (@zipperoonihere on IG) finished this beautiful quilt:


7 Acres Cleared Fabric Shop 9373437_orig

A $50 Gift Certificate from 7 Acres Cleared Fabric Shop goes to Angela (@angela.bacon on IG) who made a gorgeous Disney mini swap but IG won't let me copy the pic - you can find it here. If Angela sends me a copy I will add later.


Make Modern Logo

A 6-month subscription to Make Modern goes to @asquaredquilter on IG who made this great paper-pieced pillow as a birthday gift for a friend:



The first winner of 3 patterns from Porch Swing Quilts is Izzy who blogs at Dizzy Quilts and finished this super cute mini with some great quilting:

The second winner of 3 patterns from Porch Swing Quilts is Abigail who blogs at Cut & Alter and made this beautiful mini (love the quote from Romeo & Juliet):


SunnyDay Supply Square

The $30 gift certificate from Sunny Day Supply goes to Gretchen who blogs at 120 Blocks and made this cute table runner:



The winner of a copy of Windy City Bags from Sew Sweetness is Judy who blogs at Sew Some Sunshine and made this super cute quilt:


sew-sisters-badge [88980]

The $25 gift certificate to Sew Sisters Quilt Shop goes to Christina who blogs at Christina's Handicrafts and made this eye-catching table runner:



The $50 Gift Certificate from Mariner's Compass Quilt Shop goes to Jantine (@urbanstylejantine on IG) who knit this great shawl by testing a pattern:


on the windy

The winner of the Pattern Pack from On the Windy Side goes to Karen (@karenlovesepp on IG) who made this great orange peel quilt:



The $50 gift certificate from Fat Quarter Shop goes to Jo who blogs at Create the Point and finished this sweater after almost 2 full years (THIS is what the finish-a-long is ALL ABOUT):



The winner of 2 pin bowls from Laurel Bee Designs is Pippa (@pippaspatch on IG) who made this gorgeous Siblings Together Quilt:

imagine gnats button

The winner of the $40 gift certificate to Imagine Gnats is Nicole who blogs at Quilting like a Maniac- Relaxing through Quilting and made this Stunner:


Sew Me A Song Logo

The winner of the $20 gift certificate from Sew Me a Song is Cheryl (@moyersminions on IG) who finished my favorite kinda quilt, a Swoon:



knotted thread 125

The winner of the $30 gift certificate to Knotted Thread is Ella who blogs at ThrowAWrenchintheWorks and finished this pouch and MANY other things (seriously, Ella is a finishing rock-star):



Simply solida SS_logo_RGB_high

The winner of the £40 (40 Pound) Gift Certificate from Simply Solids is Francine who blogs at MochaWildChild and practiced on EQ7 by making these great pouches:


Quilt Ranch logo

The $25 gift certificate from The Quilt Ranch goes to Vera who blogs at Negligent Style and made this spectacular pillow (you really should go read the story behind the blog title):


I am having so much fun hosting the FAL with all the other global hosts - it seems to be working well - I mean, we had record breaking finishes for Q1, Q2 was especially great and now I expect Q3 to be even better than the first quarter. Congratulations to the winners and thank you to the sponsors!!

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