Monday, October 3, 2011

Free Motion Friday : The Kick Off

I posted several days ago my first (sad) attempt at free motion quilting.  This has been on my to-learn list for a long time, but I just have not had the nudge to get started or an instructor to teach me.  Lucky enough I had a very quick lesson at my guild meeting to give me the basics.  It's now up to me to learn on my own.  Practice, practice, practice.  But some times I am not really great at trying (and failing?) at something new when I can go back to the old tried and true skills.  It's easier if I have other folks to ask questions or to chatter with.

Enter my nudgers....Nicky, Emily, Annabella, Sarah and Natalie.  These ladies are willing to practice with me, so I figured we would open it up for everyone to join in.  We'll call it Free Motion Friday!

The idea is this:
  • Each Friday I will post a new FMQ instructional video and an example photo.
  • You have a week to go off and practice that particular pattern if you're so inclined. 
  • On the next Friday, post photos on your blog (with a link to Free Motion Friday) and come back to Fluffy Sheep Quilting and join in the linky and post a link to your photos of FMQ practice.  You can also see my attempt at that week's project. (Please don't laugh at me....I'm learning too!)
  • If you are interested, visit 2-3 sites in that week's linky.  It's all about encouragement, ladies.  Be sure your fellow liny-partiers are getting the support they need and their questions answered.
  • Come and go as you please. If you don't like a design, don't join in that week.  You have no obligation.
  • There will not be a flickr group.  It's too much for me lately to keep track of all of the groups, comment on posts or in threads, etc.  Just visit what ever blog you'd like and comment as you see fit.
To give credit where credit is due, we'll be using a lot of direction and material from The Free Motion Quilting Project

Leah includes TONS of basic information, videos and links to use as you get started on her Start Here page, so check it out.  The video above briefly gives instructions on setting up your machine and quilting space. 

We're going to start at the super basics and learn from there, so how about this for week 1:

free motion quilting
And a great instructional video to boot:

To see a full description on Free Motion Quilting waves, you can visit the Free Motion Quilting page here

Now, get stitching this week and post your photos on Friday (the 7 October).  Don't forget to come on back for a linky meet up.  Good luck!


Sarah @ FairyFace Designs said...

Woohoo! I love it! So glad you got it up and running so quick :-) another thing on my list of things to have fun with on my leisurely day off today x

Nicky said...

You don't hang around do you Cindy!? I'd better get cracking then hadn't I!?

Unknown said...

Great idea Cinders! I've been looking to expand my FMQ repertoire for a while now! Looking forward to seeing your inspiration :-)

Lucy | Charm About You said...

Wow I'm in!! Scared but in none the less!

Isisjem said...

Great idea. I've only done the stipplying type once before and a bit of sketching when it's to hold down applique so I could definitely do with learning more!

Rebecca Lynne said...

Absolutely! Lucy (above) sent me over her and I am So In. Yay!!!

Annabella said...

Nudger...enabler...@$%*^*@...yea for Cindy and Free Motion Friday. I can`t wait to play along once my foot arrives - hopefully tomorrow! This looks like a lot of fun - thanks for agreeing to host this!

Natalie said...

YES! I'm so in on this! Thanks so much, Cindy! I'm looking forward to learning with everyone else instead of just posting embarrassing photos on my own...

Catherine said...

what a great idea! I will definately play along - need to practise (and learn more) FMQ'ing

Archie The Wonder Dog said...

Great idea - not sure I'll be joining in but I'll definitely cheer from the sidelines!!

Irene said...

I'd like to join in with this. My FMQ is limited to vermicelli of various sizes! Irene

Janine @ Rainbow Hare said...

I'm up for it :)

mammafairy said...

I would like to give this a go, as my FMQ is unprintable, despite encouragement and a tutorial session. Something to make me try semi regularly would be an excellent prod!

Mrs Flying Blind... said...

Oh my giddy aunt - I will try, but can't promise to keep up - great idea!

Sarah said...

Oooh Cindy... Dont know if I'll make it for this week, but will definitely be joining in next week! Did cringe a bit watching the getting started video - my sewing cupboard isnt big enough for ONE of those tables never mind an L-shape big enough to rest a quilt on...

Lynn said...

I'm in, I need all the practice/guidance I can get!

Katy Cameron said...

Looking forward to this! Hopefully I can squeeze this in in between my headless chicken act trying to get packed for Skye this week :oD said...

I definitely need to do this...but I'll have to skip a few weeks while I go to Sewing Summit and then Las Vegas with Mr. Romance!

Live a Colorful Life said...

I love this idea, Cindy. and since FMQ has been on my list of things to try, I'm going to give this a shot. Maybe with nudgers out there, I'll actually learn something...

Collette said...

Going to have a wee go at this tomorrow i think scary!

Lynne said...

Sounds like fun - I'll get back to you - I can't get videos on my computer no matter how many times I download "Flash"!! blech!!!!

Rebecca Lynne said...

Oh my this was hilarious...I cannot wait until tomorrow because I am really laughing so hard at my results! I hope you all kicked its butt and can show me some pointers!!!

Janet said...

I was shocking at the beginning but I did free motion fridays for awhile and it made an incredible difference. Thanks for keeping it real and being so encouraging.

Strawberry Patch said...

Cindy, Im going to catch up! Sorry you started without me, I was climbing mountains on our 'holiday' in Wales! Cant wait to get going next week and see how I get on :)

Dianne Neale said...

I love FMQ, but just not very good at it, so I'm going to give this a go. It's raining today, and hubby is watching the rugby, so not much can interfere.

Alica said...

I'll join you too - love FMQ, but I'm king of stuck with meandering as any other patterns end up looking weird (I call them artsy ;) )
Practice makes perfect, so let's give it a go ;)

Tina Winchell said...

I love this idea and it's just the thing to get me moving on learning more free motion quilting. I'm anxious to start so I'm looking forward to the next design.

Simone de Klerk said...

I think I'm going to join, since I have been willing to learn FMQ for a long time, but somehow don't dare to start. This should get me started (o:

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