Clearly this past weekend was focused on bee blocks. This is my last bee block post this week. I promise. I just got a fright on Saturday realizing this is the last week of the month, so I quickly had to kick myself into gear.
Up next are these super bee blocks for Bee Blessed! Judith and Sarah are looking for Asterisk blocks this month. They were specifically looking for a matching pair of positive/negative blocks using a white or a modern print in the negative space.
I pulled out my favourite white on white print that has swirly little dots (don't know where it's from!) giving it some interest without being overwhelming. It goes so beautifully with this navy print.
To make these blocks, we were sent over to Craftsy for this video tutorial. The tutorial is wonderfully done, making these blocks very easy to make. This was my first time using a video tutorial to make blocks, which was quite interesting. A whole new experience that took me a while to get oriented, but it worked out swimmingly in the end.
The blocks are designed to be oversized, then trimmed to 12.5 inches. After my Twinkle Twinkle experience with weirdo sized bee blocks, I've purposely trimmed these to 13 inches square so that Judith/Sarah can fiddle with them as needed to fit into the quilt. I hope that helps the piecing a bit, ladies!