Hi there! It's been weeks and weeks since I last blogged. I am so happy to re-join our lovely online community. How are you all?
I took a blogging/IG/sewing break over Christmas mostly because it is just not practical to keep things up and moving while I travel to/from the US for the holiday. Anyway, I am back in Ireland and ready to dive right back in to blogging/IG.
While I was in the US, I picked up a WHOLE LOT of fabric orders I had posted to Pennsylvania. These goodies were picked up from American shops in sales from Aug through Dec. Needless to say I had a great time digging through these parcels after my flight landed. Yum yum yum!
Wait! Re-focus. I have been thinking a good bit about how/what I sew, about blogging and about the
shop. I have come to a few conclusions I would like to share with you. (Interspersed with photos of my new fabric/notion goodies!)
Two layer cakes and one charm pack. They were at insane sale prices, so I couldn't resist. The plan is to make two single-bed sized quilts for B and I to use when camping in front of the camp fire. Get it? The camping themed S'more Love line and Road 15 prints seemed perfect. |
It's time. I should start making basic clothes like PJ bottoms and skirts. Why not start with this? I can do this, right? I already have questions before I even opened the package!! Also on insane sale at Joann's (-75% or something nuts). |
1. Blogging - Blogging seems to get pushed to the bottom of my to-do list each day. I do not want it to be that way. I love chatting with you guys; love the laughs and inspiration I gain from each of you. Instead of ignoring my blog, what I would like is:
A) reading your blogs over my lunch break each day for a bit of mid-day quilty inspiration. I am usually pretty bad at reading weekend posts and I think it is going to stay that way. Too much real-life living to do over my weekend :)
B) aim for posting 3 times a week. I tend to get overwhelmed thinking of 5 posts per week, then spend all of my free time writing posts and not sewing or (worse) not writing at all! Or I get focused on showing you only finishes instead of where I am each day/week. Instead, I will most likely sew week evenings/weekends and write three posts on Sunday to go live through the week to tell you about all of the creative action here at FSQ headquarters.
Three Blueberry Park FQs from my LQS in Pennsylvania. I'm so lucky to have such an awesome LQS when traveling. I know so many of you love this line, but I just don't get it. I thought if I made something I'd see what you see? Maybe? |
Also from the LQS. Who could resist Echino at American prices? I couldn't, clearly. |
Shop - I would like for the shop to become a bit more interactive with each of you. For that reason, I will be offering monthly blogger bundles (have the first three brave volunteers lined up already!) with each blogger putting their own spin on the fabric choices, associated tutes and giveaways. I think it will be great fun. I will also start organizing monthly activities/contests to spruce things up around here. Keep your eye out for a way to play along in the near future.
Hello Tokyo. I. Love. This. Line. The whole thing. This is destined to become a new lunch bag going to/from work. |
3. Sewing - I am at a loss here. I would like to:
A) create more from my stash (without going on a fabric diet!) and for that reason will link up with
Sarah each month. I love my stash - why wouldn't I use it more?
B) be more creative and THINK more about what I am making. The planning/thinking/math of a project is nearly as great for me as sewing it - I love letting my mind tumble over these problems when I'm falling asleep or driving. I miss that when I have a set pattern that I'm following. For that reason I have a project in mind starting next week that will be a new adventure for me. More on that later...
C) create more by hand. I am not a great hand piecer, but would like to gain more confidence hand quilting or in needlework like embroidery/cross stitch. That way I get to create on my couch and still interact with my family WHILE indulging those creative juices.
Denyse Schmidt from Joann's. It was on sale and I couldn't stop myself. Oranges, reds and yellows... |
....and more from the same line. I'll have to do some epic-scale quilt to incorporate all of these prints/colors. |
Those are my mental rumblings. 2013 was not my most creative or fruitful year. I will do my best to grow in 2014 and to really push my skills/ability/productivity. Here's to fresh starts!