1. Swoon 2013
I signed up for Sarah's QAL and was nearly on time getting my blocks finished...but then I lost steam finishing the sashing and getting the borders on. So, I need to finish the top, quilt and bind this project. I am excited to dig back in again!
2. Home Sweet Bone Cross Stitch
I have been diligently stitching each and every night. Recently this is my primary project and I am loving it through and through. I'd like to finish stitching, tie off the back and have it hanging over my desk before this quarter is finished.
3. Modern Irish Bee Quilt
This quilt was started over a year ago as part of the inaugural Modern Irish Bee. My bee buddies were wonderful and I did receive each and every one of my blocks. However, when I tried to make a few additional blocks to enlarge the quilt, I could not (for the life of me) get them to the appropriate final size. Several I totally unpicked 3-4 times! Anyway, I lost my love for the process and I put the blocks away. I would love to pull them out, finish the top (add a border?), hand quilt (ahem!) and bind it.
4. Spools Mini Quilt
I made one of these minis to give away, but I'd love to have one myself to hang in my sewing room. I have the pieces all cut and laid out, but not stitched together. I need to piece, quilt and bind this cutie.
5. Donation Quilt
I would like to make a quilt to be sent to Mexico City. I have a pattern in mind, but instead of using a fresh new charm pack I would like to dive into my stash for this project. I have so many charms from the gazillion swaps I joined recently. I have the top nearly done, so I need to quilt and bind this before we'll call it done.
That's my list and I will try my best to stick to it! Thanks so much, Katy, for keeping us on the straight and narrow! (HA! Who would have thought it was you who would herd us in?)

You can do it!!! Definitely an ambitious list, but you've got mad skills, so I have every faith in you :-)
E xx
Mexico first then you can do whatever you want. ;-)
Good luck, you can do it!
Fab list, good luck!!
This is a lovely list!
Gorgeous list, good luck!
Ooh, these look great! Good luck!
Ooh, these look great! Good luck!
Looks reasonable! Good luck :o)
I really like your fabric for the Mexico quilt and I admire your determination to finish swoon!
Those are lovely! I especially like the teal Modern Irish Bee Quilt. Looking forward to seeing how you finish them! :-)
Fabulous projects for you to be doing. I really want to try a mini spool quilt: great way to use up scraps
Great projects and think how good you will feel once they're finished.
Thought you are going to put the MIB-Quilt 2014 on the list (kidding)! but can not wait to see the quilt finished.
Great projects! I'm especially looking forward to your finished Swoon.
Did you ever think you'd say that sentence; about Katy keeping you on the straight and narrow? She's a hoot isn't she. You've got such a good start on some of these projects they're sure to be finished by the end if March.
Get that star quilt done Cindy!
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