Now that Granny Mania is finished off, I thought it might be time to start in on a new project. I know. I know,
Rhonda. I have two other quilts on my
Finish Along list, but I need to get something else started now to add to my next Finish Along list!
I would like to make a small quilt for this special person.
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Hi there. Hi! |
No, I am not making a huge announcement here. But this little person is very eagerly anticipated around here and I would like to have my little quilt ready. (The quilt should also be a secret, but I do not think either parent reads this blog....we will find out!)
Last September or October (gasp! could it be that long ago?), I was part of a scrappy swap hosted by the fabulous
Kat. In the mass of inspirational mosaics, I found one
photo posted by
Nicky that just made my heart flutter. Thank goodness Nicky is one of those thoughtful folks who inserts links back to the original creators of the goodies in her mosaic. Nicky, you are just super.
With a few clicks I arrived
here, at Completely Cauchy. Oh, how I love this scrappy, yet simple quilt. I have been thinking about it for over a year now! To make it, though, will take time and a HUGE pile of scraps. I have kind of started with this pile....
That I have been stitching together into pairs of scraps. They are then tossed into this basket...
Which is regularly tested for softness and warmth.
The past two nights I have been ironing all of those little seams while watching TV...
Until I can piece them all together to create a sheet of scraps from which I can cut my square in a square strips.
I'm sorry the photos are a bit yellow-ish. The sun just would not come out today, so these are yucky afternoon indoor photos. Blah.
It is taking forever, but it is satisfying to see my pile of scraps move to the basket, then to the newly created fabric. In the end, this quilt will be called Chaos. Both for the change in life this little person will bring to his/her parents AND for the process of making the quilt. Believe me, there is serious scraptacular chaos in my sewing room right now.
I have now stitched together every scrap I have and would like to use. It has left me with a few pieces, though, that could use a better home. I would like to give them away or swap them with the first commenter who is at all fair grabbing all 3, though. Just choose your favorite one.
Pile 1: My Fuglies. Please do not be deluded enough to think these are hip, bright, cheerful fabrics at all. There are two pieces of liberty, a few Japanese charms that just do not work as they are very light and I need contrast, lots of brown, etc. If you want Pile 1, it is all yours. Just leave a comment saying as much. I am glad it is going to a good home. UPDATED: Gone to the lovely Anita's house.
Pile 2: Erin McMorris Summersault. There are five fat 16ths. I do not even know how I came to have these little guys in my stash. I am sure someone would be very happy to have them, but I just never seem to be drawn their way. I like the colors, so I just can not figure out why. Anyway, if you would like Pile 2, just say so. UPDATED: Gone to the lovely Sarah's house.

Pile 3: My kind-of pretties. I really do like all of these prints or solids. They're not my most precious of prints, but still they make me happy. However, the cuts I have here are too small for another project, but already over represented in the scrappy quilt. Lots of Amy Butler, Robert Kaufman Metro Circles, Echino, Moda, etc. I think many of these are just fab. Anyway, if you would like Pile 3, just say so. I would be super grateful, though, if you would be willing to swap with me for another FQ-worth of scraps from your stash. I am looking for a wide variety (so, scraps of say 5-3 inches square) of bright colors. Prints on a light background really don't work all that well here. UPDATED: Gone to the lovely Janet's house. Bossymama, I couldn't get in touch with you as you're a no-reply commenter. So sorry!
That is the excitement around here. For those of you heading to FoQ this weekend, have a great time. I wish I was going too!