Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Big Stitch Swap Round 2 - Sign Ups Are Open!

I am incredibly excited to announce that the wonderful Sarah and I are hosting a second round of  The Big Stitch Swap.  We are hoping each and every one of you joins in the fun!  The theme of the swap is to include hand stitching of some variety as a significant contribution to the swapped item.  It can be embroidery, hand quilting, appliqué, cross stitch...what ever you like.

What to make, what to make?  Well, our suggestions would be something along the scale of a doll quilt, tablet cover, messenger bag, zippy pouch, notebook cover, cushion/pillow cover or a tote bag.  You get the idea, something that allows enough space to incorporate a stitched motif, or hand quilting design. But not too big.  The only guideline is that your hand stitching has to be a significant portion and focal point of the item's design.  

The mini I made last round for Leanne - cross stitching and all.

Want to join in?  The swap is open to 50 people including myself and Cindy. It will be hosted on Instagram, so you will need to have a public account there - sadly, we cannot accept quilters with private profiles as we will not be able to see your progress pics etc. If you want to join, hop over and fill out the entry form here.  We will then secretly assign partners.  Know that your partner is not necessarily making an item for you. While you are waiting for your partner assignment,  start thinking about an inspiration mosaic, which you will need to post on Instagram.

The STUNNER of a pouch that I received from the amazing Ali in the first round.

The swap timeline is as follows:
- Signups open today (24nd Febrary) and will close on 1st March or when we reach 50 participants.
- Partner assignments will be distributed by 9th March
- If you haven't already done your inspiration mosaic, you will need to have it posted by 11th March
- Posting dates are from 24th - 28th April, giving you 6 weeks to stalk your partner, make something lovely and parcel it up ready to send off.
- Swap extras are limited to cards/postcards and a small selection of scraps and/or notions (eg. buttons, zippers, beads etc) 

A hoop might work for your partner.
As usual, we ask that everyone actively participate on Instagram by posting inspiration mosaic, commenting on photos and posting WIP pics etc.   If you have any questions before you sign up, please do ask!  Better to ask before you sign up than only makes our lives more difficult to find a substitute if you drop out.We are asking people to indicate what level of sewing skills they have so that we can match people as best as possible to someone of a similar level.

Very few things make me happier....
As always, can we ask you to please only sign up if you can commit to the swap deadlines. There is nothing more disappointing in a swap than your partner going awol and not receiving anything after you putting your heart and soul into making your item for someone else.

We do hope you join us!  This will be so very fun!


Archie The Wonder Dog said...

Have fun - I can't wait to see what you make!

Paula said...

So delighted to see this post today. I thoroughly enjoyed round one and am really looking forward to joining in the fun all over again.

Coser Tejer Crear said...

I am so deeply tempted! But I have three UFOs, two quilts and some secret sewing going on. I must join in next time. I loved seeing the photos from round 1!

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