Monday, February 15, 2016

Sew Portable Travel Set

Although I had clear plans in mind of what I wanted to do this weekend to prep for a sewing retreat (pull fabric, download patterns, cut a bit...)  it was all thrown out the window Friday afternoon when I found this pattern: Sew Portable Travel Set by Jeni Barker.  Stop. The. Press.  

You know how it is when the perfect pattern finds you at the perfect time?  It is hard to do anything other than sew.  You see, this sewing retreat will be the first adventure for my new Singer Featherweight.  Meet Thimbelina.  She is a special girl who is up there in age, but sews like a mouse's heart.  She needs to travel in style and here was the perfect travel set for her.   I downloaded the pattern, drove home and dove into the shop's stock of Purebred.  I was only waiting for an excuse, really.  

The bag is a sturdy one, with reinforced corners, layers of batting and heavy weight (hidden) canvas and a solid wood bottom to take her weight.  The straps are belting prettied-up with coordinating strips of Purebred.  Quite straight forward, really.  This portion of the pattern was beautifully written with very clear instructions and super photos.  It was a joy to make.

Little Thimbelina fits inside perfectly with a little room to spare.  Jeni B is using her bag alone to carry her machine, but I am hoping that I can still fit the machine in her little case (to protect her in travel) and then inside the bag. The bag will offer a welcome set of handles when I really do not trust the one on the ancient case that came with her.  

Also included in the pattern is a draw string bag that perfectly fits the foot pedal and cords.  It is super.  Until now, mine have lived next to Thimbelina in the base of the case.  I have worried they will scrape the paint, but now they are safe and sound.  If you do buy this pattern, pay attention to the instructions making this bag.  Although Jeni B clearly states how to orient your directional fabrics to ensure the lining is right side up, I (being a picture girl) followed the diagram and now have upside down lining.  It is only me that will see it and I do not mind enough to rip it apart and fix it.  Just wanted to give you a heads up to follow the text and not the figure.

Finally, there are instructions to make a little quilted cover to protect the folding extension table from the metal screw on the front of the machine.   This is a wonderful solution.  I was quite jazzed when I read about it in Jeni's blog post.  

The only problem is that it does not fit my machine!  I guess Jeni's does not have a wedge support on the bottom.  With luck there was a tutorial posted today on IG to create this exact cover with a wedge/triangular side.  I will pop that on my do-do list for the retreat.  I am not sure what I will do with the little pouch I have now, though.  Pop a button hole in there and use it for the manuals?  I would need to install a zip to hold thread and bobbins.   I'll keep thinking.  

All in all it was a super pattern.  I am delighted with what I have made and can not wait to take it all with me next weekend.   I will leave you with a photo of Miss Molly, my photographic assistant.  She has just turned three and is looking all grown up to me....the little cutie.


Tomomi McElwee said...

Feather weight retreat sounds very very nice. Love that pretty bag. My antique machine is hand turn and not quite modernized to have electric power and weights tonnes!!

dutchcomfort said...

I don’t trust the handles of my old Feather Weight case either! You’ve made some very fun and useful items for Thimbelina! Enjoy your retreat!

Jeni Baker said...

Really cute set! Sorry to hear it gave you a bit of trouble. I wonder if there is some variation in extension tables throughout the years. My older featherweight the cover fits with no issue, but my newer one it was a little tight, and I had to stretch it a bit to get it on. Perhaps I better make it a tad wider in the pattern to accommodate. Thanks for your feedback!

Sooli said...

I hear a lot about Featherweights but I haven't ever seen one here in Australia. No doubt they're out there! Love the bag, great job. Also love your assistant - I have two retriever assistants too - Livvie and Justin. Their assistance generally takes the form of leaving hair on everything and Justin likes eating the fabric scraps out of my bin (he's only 14 months!) so now my bin is on the table!

Leanne said...

These are wonderful, I should make some for my featherweight too. I hope you enjoy your retreat.

The Joyful Quilter said...

LOVE, Love, love your Featherweight set!! It is SEW cute!

Archie The Wonder Dog said...

What fabulous makes! Could you use the zip/binding method from the Lola pouches to make the table cover into a pouch?

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