Thursday, February 4, 2016

Time To Stop Faffing....

 ....and get serious about sewing the goose border for my medallion quilt.  I had all of my focus fabric and most of my LV charms cut out last week.  I have my paper piecing templates printed and ready to roll.  I just needed a bit of time to dust off my reversed-piecing-guided-by-sunlight skills.   Time to settle in mentally.

This past weekend I dove in and pieced geese like a maniac.  I had a small bit of help...or distraction...or spot quality inspections.  It's good he's cute.

After a day and a half I had 19 of my templates finished and five remaining.  Now that's real progress - enough to keep me motivated to finish off those last few in no time at all.

I am 100% jazzed about they are coming together.  Paper piecing makes those points extra pointy, which I love.  The color in this photo doesn't do the focus fabric justice - stinkin' winter sun.  They are bright, saturated and shine with the LV background.  De-lighted. 

Although I am not looking forward to pulling the paper out of the back, I can not wait to stitch these together into rows.   Do you think we'll have a finished medallion top next week?  Here's hoping!


dutchcomfort said...

I’m sure you will have a finished top next week! Those flying geese are beautiful!

Sarah @ FairyFace Designs said...

Oh they look so pretty! Can't wait to see that medallion top finished, it's shaping up to be a stunner.

Leanne said...

You are doing great and maybe yes, you will have that top done!

Sarah said...

Keep at it. It's going to be so beautiful! Those geese are so beautifully even, I've never paper pieced mine.

Judith, Belfast said...

They look great! Jxo

Tomomi McElwee said...

Oh you are working so hard! They look great!!

Ruth said...

Fab! love the colours on the low volume - really scrappy and cool. Yes i think there'll be a finished medallion quilt top very soon!

Maker Joy said...

Your pile of geese is gorgeous.

Archie The Wonder Dog said...

They look great!

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